breeding (dilepis) ch roperi


New Member
I would like to hear from people who have successfully ben breeding chamaeleon´s from the dilepis complex such as:
Ch. dilepis dilepis,
Ch. dilepis idjwiensis,
Ch. dilepis isabellinus,
Ch. dilepis martensi,
Ch. dilepis petersii,
Ch. ruspolii,
Ch. roperi
Ch. quilensis.
Ch. necasi

I have 1.2 ch roperi and tried 1000times without seeing any action(actually there is a lot of action but just not the right kind of action)
my roperi need some help with their love life.

they have each their enclosure with three flouresentlambs one cold with one warm and one UV and they have a 50W spot.
and I have six big plants (when they are out of the terrariums) where they have some space to get to know each other (i had them since they were under two weeks old they are over a year now)

I have tried to raise the temperatures, raise the humidety and the opposit..:confused::confused::confused:

hope some of you have some info you would like to share.
I never had problems getting them started, but this was quilensis and not roperi.

My experience thought me that I always introduce the female to the males cage. This because the males stay within their own terratoria. What then helps is first keeping the female outside the cage so he can decide what to do.

What I did with gracilis was putting them together on the open flour (12 m2) and then they start reacting as well.

What also might be important is give them a temperature difference between the seasons. So a a colder period and see if that helps.

Good luck with them!

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