Blu is digging a lot

She us still dehydrated and weak but she is starting to molt, so that's part of her coloring I think


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I brought that up with he vet and he said that there is no chance she's eggbound. Idk why she's dehydrated, I've had her drinking a lot lately, and she just became really dehydrated overnight. Her stool is watery and her urine is white, but her skin is kind of wrinkly and her eyes are really sunk in. She was kind of chunky when I got her, and I had just given her the food from the dr.
Eyes are often sunken in when a chameleon is sick...not feeling well....if the urates are white or only slightly orange the chameleon should be hydrated.
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I'm not a's just my opinion....but I doubt she will get over whatever is wrong with her without finding out what it is and treating it...if it can even be treated.

What did the vet say about her other than she's not eggbound?
We were there for probably 30 mins, and he talked about other chams they had in the office that week. He was like 80 years old and only held her for like 3 mins in total.
I just got her to finish the .5ml of critical care. She's a lot more alert now and is gaping at me more
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