blending of species

If you want to create a senegalensis vs. calyptratus video for youtube you can try it. If not, forget it and read a book !
good shooting, Tex. ouch!

There are questions which indicate that the questioner didn't read a book or even browsed some websides. In most cases the questioner is too lazy to search personally.
the majority of those sociation questions are asked by persons who are already keeping animals. And if such persons ask such questions they didn't deserve other answers.
If we have the rare case that the questioner didn't already keep chameleons I revoke everything I said. But if not, you can read me thoughts about it abouve
There are questions which indicate that the questioner didn't read a book or even browsed some websides. In most cases the questioner is too lazy to search personally.
the majority of those sociation questions are asked by persons who are already keeping animals. And if such persons ask such questions they didn't deserve other answers.
If we have the rare case that the questioner didn't already keep chameleons I revoke everything I said. But if not, you can read me thoughts about it abouve

agreed 100%
I will cut AFI some slack because it IS difficult for find info on Senegals, which is the type of chameleon they own. If they had researched Veileds they would have found the info easily.

Also, isn't it better to ask a question here (even an obvious one to us) instead of just doing it and ending up with an injured cham? No one new is going to come here if they get attacked for every "silly" question
I will cut AFI some slack because it IS difficult for find info on Senegals, which is the type of chameleon they own. If they had researched Veileds they would have found the info easily.

Also, isn't it better to ask a question here (even an obvious one to us) instead of just doing it and ending up with an injured cham? No one new is going to come here if they get attacked for every "silly" question

yeah i agree i am pretty new here and im sure ive asked my share of pretty simple questions ive googled stuff and have read different care sheets from lots of sites and they all say a lot of different things i came here and got great advice and easy to understand yes im sure a book would help a great deal but ide rather ask some one direct that has personly gone through the situation you never know some people on here might know some stuff the book dont speak of after all theres lots to learn hands on from experience than what you just read so i think its good to come to this forum and learn from people who can better instruct you and give more advice than a book after all some people might not fully understand what the book means and you cant ask a book to clarify what exactly it is telling you
to paraphrase our german friend... it is clear they did not do even the most basic research before looking for easy answers. Reading even a pet store care sheet would have provided the correct answer. No
I mean after all the fact that AFI is on here and asking these questions is showing that there looking for answers and advice to make sure they do the right thing to take care of there cham and by that asking that is a form of reserch they took the time to look on this forum and ask and look into getting advice
to paraphrase our german friend... it is clear they did not do even the most basic research before looking for easy answers. Reading even a pet store care sheet would have provided the correct answer. No

yes i it would have but would you rather not ask a live person who could provide the same if not better advice and could describe step by step how to fix the problem. i just agree that thats why we come to this site to seek help and it would suck if everytime a new person asked a question they got a messed up answer
i mean as senior members we trust and look to you guys for great advice so that every one who owns a cham can provide them with the best care we can give knowing we got our info from a reliable sorce in a lot of ways by us trusting the senior members it shows we have respect for them and there knowlage for trusting them with our chams life i feel there was no need to for a smart remark such as that from a respected senior member
I would recommend separating them. Senegals don't get to be as large as a Veiled. That poor little guy would be down and out so quick in a confrontation that it would probably be over before it even started.

Chameleons are very territorial and Veilds can be extremely aggressive towards owners. I could only imagine how they would be against something they have to look at every day in their land.

If the Veiled is young it may not show aggression right now, but as it grows it definitely will.

Thanks for asking before something bad happened.
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