Best way to get Jose to eat crickets again?


New Member
Jose has been refusing to eat some crickets in his cage lately, and I want to know the best way to get him back to eating crickets like normal. I bought him mealworms and he just finished those off, but still he won't eat the crickets. Any advice?
sounds like he's on a hunger strike you might have got him addicted to worms or somthing besides crickets just keep offering him crickets he wont let himself starve
my chameleon no longer eats crickets and has not for about a year now. He is a worm and moth freak. The only way I can get him to eat them is when he is eating a worm and then I shove a cricket in his mouth. I have to be careful though, as I have almost got my fingers chomped and I don't know if it is really worth it. He wasn't being mean, cause he doesn't bite but when he is eating you are taking a chance putting your fingers in his mouth!
I'm starting to think crickets are a poor choice for chameleons.
It seems chams know this too by how often threads like this one come up.
My chameleon just got over his hungerstrike he went about a month without crickets. The first week he ate nothinthang then he ate only a few butter/silk and hornworms a dat, he wanted those damn superworms! It seemed like ate only enough to stay alive. But I didn't offer him any crickets for about three weeks, and now he's back to munchin on his crickets

Just takes a lot of patients.
Great news! It is hard not to give in to them- Good job on sticking to your guns on this issue and getting him back on track:D:)
When Babu went off crickets, I started putting one in with the worms and roaches in his feeding cup. Eventually, he started eating crickets again. He would even sneak down off his free range and get in the cricket bin. :D
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