best roach.


what does an egg sack look like? and how long does it take to get out of the roach?

i noticed one of my females passing somthing out of it's butt earlier today, and now it's like 1/4 inch long, white, and kinda looks like a mealworm. eggsack?
Momac said:

what does an egg sack look like? and how long does it take to get out of the roach?

i noticed one of my females passing somthing out of it's butt earlier today, and now it's like 1/4 inch long, white, and kinda looks like a mealworm. eggsack?

That would more than likely be it then. I'll see if I can dig up a picture for everyone here. As those who haven't seen one might be curious what it looks like. As far as how long it to come out of the roach... That is a trick question! and I didn't fall for it. She'll push it about 90% out most of the time for it to air dry and then retract it back into her body. The female roach will keep it inside her until the babies are ready to hatch out. Then at that time she'll push it out as the babies hatch out. The numbers of babies will vary but the female Blaptica Dubia can have between 20 and 30 babies.

On a diferent note: I occasionally like to spread tid bits of roach and insect knowledge I've learned over the years so this is my insect education for the day. The actual name of the eggsack as many people call it is a "ootheca". The term is not just used with roaches either. Praying mantis create oothecas as well. Some insects lay their ootheca and some will carry them.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An Ootheca (etymology: oo-, meaning egg, from the Greek word *oion* + theca, meaning a cover or container, from the Greek *theke*) is a type of egg mass made by any member of a variety of species (usually insects or mollusks). An ootheca usually contains many eggs surrounded by a foam of protein which may then harden into a tough casing for protection. Notable ootheca-making insects are the mantid and cockroach.
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