basking with an eye closed...?

Obama the cham

New Member
so wenever Obama "gets into" the bask, he closes one eye, just one. he looks AMAZINGLY comfortable, but im just curious if its a bad thing or not?

it always the eye furthest from the light too, if thats a peice of info needed.
My little girl did that a couple of days but her one eye that was closed was the eye towards the light. Your cham might be stressed a bit, i think mine was because i had just moved her to a new spot in my room to get away from the window so she doesnt get cold. I would suggest add another misting to your schedule because you chams eye might be irritated, so more mistings will help if thats the case. Other than that all you can do is keep a close eye and see if anything changes. Oh what is your basking temp btw?
85 in the basking spots, each of them, i mist him quite a bit as is, like 4 times maybe even 5 a day for about 3 minutes each, RH is always above 57% and his colors r beautiful too, he doesnt seem bothered by the eye any other time neither
all of my chams bask with there eyes open part of the time, there eyes completly closed a little, and mostly with 1 eye closed and the other open to see whats going on and there all perfectly healthy :D
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