Basking light and Free Ranging question


New Member
Ok so... We live in Houston, Tx its already reaching 90+ and its not even summer. To lower the electric bill I leave the a/c off and windows and doors open. Its the same temp as it is outside. I have 2 babies coming in July, jackson babies. How can i make it comfortable for them? And do I put the basking light on too?

Free ranging I plan on doing alot of freeranging for my babies while Im hope. Im planning on have a free range on my computer desk. Do i need to rig up a lighting while the free range? They're .both brothers so should be fine for a couple months to free range together.

Outside time... I cant really determine a outside schedule due to my landlords. But Im going to try. The enclosure I plan on using willhave wheels for easy access outside.
Oh and ants... I need a quick way of getting rid of carpenter ants that are on the porch and on my plants before i get these preciou.s babies
You may need to dedicate one room to keep cool for them. Jackson's like more cool temps, high 70s to low 80s. If your house is getting to 90, that might be a bit warm for them. You could try running a cool humidifier into the cages.
Have you read a Jackson care sheet? If not, I'd read one and get the enclosure set up a couple weeks before you get them. It might take some tweaking to get it right with your house temps
Yea i have til July to get the enclosure set up right. Going out next week and buying add ome new plants. Going to get some dowels and put together. Looking at getting an artifical tree for a free range. These boys are going to be spoiled.
Yea i have til July to get the enclosure set up right. Going out next week and buying add ome new plants. Going to get some dowels and put together. Looking at getting an artifical tree for a free range. These boys are going to be spoiled.

Sounds great! Have fun!
Good buy today!

I got my babysitting money last night and headed to walmart for some stuff. Went to the garden center abd found a ficus for $4.50 :) then found a nice umbrella tree. Thinking about getting a couple hibiscus next week. These will be used for the desktop free range.
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