Banded Cricket raising


Chameleon Enthusiast
Hey guys I am doing some research on rearing crickets and right now I am wondering what ventilation is best for them? Is an aquarium the best set up? Or is a Rubbermaid with multiple holes the best?
I've always heard rubbemaid with holes or maybe an aquarium with a screen top? The humidity is bad for them and it makes them smell worse if I remember correctly
I was thinking about when I seperate the nymphs having a grow out tank around 10 gallons in the beginning and then having the adults in a storage bin with several holes, one on top and at least one on the side.
I keep the babies in the big cricket keeper and then the adults in a rubbermaid tin. I don't know how much exactly you need but i have a hole on the top maybe 3x6 and then on the sides 2x3 (around there, i didnt measure anything) and I put mosquito screen over the holes.
I plan on starting out with likely around 500 to 1000 crickets and then breeding on my own to get them completely winless and then sell to people who are really worried about their sources. Thanks for the link!
No problem! I didn't see that it was a site for selling until after I sent them (although, the information is probably still applicable). Regardless, it sounds like an interesting project!
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