Bamboo forest - throwing it in the oven for Enclosure use


New Member
Hi all,
this neighbour literally has grown a bamboo forest in his backyard-- I look at them and thought it would be great to build my Chameleons enclosure with Bamboo.


Should I wash and wrap the bamboo in foil and let it sit in the oven on 350 for 20 minutes?
How do you sanitize outdoor branches for use in my Chameleon's enclosure. Bamboo is very flexible, strong, it also bends, had ton of branches, you can create a climbing maze with it that's why I picked it.

Is it safe to use?
You can clean branches that are too cumbersome to put in the oven by scrubbing them with hot water and a diluted bleach solution (10:1 water to bleach). Rinse until you can't smell the bleach.
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