Babies are dieing???


New Member
How come my baby veileds are dieing after they slit the egg. Most don't even make it out of the egg.. Are they too weak?? Should I open the rest of them up?? They were laid about 11 months ago now :confused:, I know they shouldn't take THIS long to hatch :(. I'v only gotten two live ones so far..

ANY help is GREATLY appreciated!

Sometime you can try and stimulate them with rubbing a q tip on them...or try a very light small cold mist to shock them. Its kinda like the theory of spanking babies when first born to make them take that first breath.
Sometime you can try and stimulate them with rubbing a q tip on them...or try a very light small cold mist to shock them. Its kinda like the theory of spanking babies when first born to make them take that first breath.

Okay I will do that, what about shinning a flash light on them?
you sure they're dead? they sometimes sit with their heads out for hours and hours, absorbing yolk.

If thye can't hatch themselves, it's best to let them die. This might not be advisable in rare species, where the problem is a dearth of specimens in the breeding projects. for veileds, the "problem" is too many sickly animals in the gene pool. I generally allow my sicker ones to die rather than pamper them.
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Not too sure but It could be that the humidity is too low making the shells to tough to break through , thus exausting the little guys..
another though, where did you get you chams, breeder? pet store? most times when you buy a pair at a pet store ( they often give you a deal for buying a pair) they dont bother to tell you they are brother and sister, they more than likely beet around the bush about it, and this could resault in some sickly inbred hatchling.
i had 20 eggs all hatch over 2-3 days.once they start it seems they hatch fast like 1 day.once they cut the side of the egg they should appear and be out in a day or 2. i only hatched 2 clutches so my knowledge is limited.
My Veileds are hatching very slowly. The first one took 2 days. I found it head out, then it was half out and laid there with good color but not moving, then fianally got up and was walking around. Found it Monday morning, put it in the hatchling tub Tuesday night. I did not get any more to put in the tub until Friday night. One hatched and was walking around in a few hours, and now I have a ton breaking through the eggs. They will lay there sometimes even for a few days absorbing the yolk sacs, so as long as they are good color I would just wait the few days and see what happens.
My Veileds are hatching very slowly. The first one took 2 days. I found it head out, then it was half out and laid there with good color but not moving, then fianally got up and was walking around. Found it Monday morning, put it in the hatchling tub Tuesday night. I did not get any more to put in the tub until Friday night. One hatched and was walking around in a few hours, and now I have a ton breaking through the eggs. They will lay there sometimes even for a few days absorbing the yolk sacs, so as long as they are good color I would just wait the few days and see what happens.

Thats the thing they are not a good color and other eggs roll around like they cannot get out and then stops moving around. And everyone says if it can't get out of the egg then it is basically a gonner so I have a alot of eggs just sitting in there and now the eggs are sunken in and yellow I believe they are all dead inside there. I'm ready to open one up. Is it the way I incurbated *sp* them why they are all dieing now? Why didn't they just die a few months into hatching why would they go the intire length (+more) of the hatching period just to die??
We have veileds hatching this weekend. The eggs turned an awful yellowish greenish-gray color and shrank first. Some pipped early, some later. With some the egg totally collapsed and crumpled, but I could not tell the cham had pipped except by carefully looking at each end of the egg (while it lay there- not picking it up) with a magnifying glass. Upon close observation I could just see the chams' lips inside a crumpled pipped area. Some lay like that for more than a day. Don't know if this fits your situation, but just thought I'd add my two cents. THis is our first clutch of veiled eggs to hatch so I had no personal experience of what to expect. One of the eggs was really cute. It was all crumpled up, but I noticed the tail was sticking out, perfectly coiled. But the tail was white. I thought, guess that one didn't make it. I touched the tail, and it moved. I got the magnifying glass and looked and I could see the pipped area, with the whole tail out of the egg and coiled, and little feet right by the tail, and behind the little feet were the cham's lips. The feet and lips were a nice light green color. So, I realized, this guys okay, he's just sort of breeching. He came out, just fine, in his own time.

A few of the babies lay in the pipped shell for a couple of days. And then came out on their own. Only about 1/4 of the clutch has hatched so far.
We have veileds hatching this weekend. The eggs turned an awful yellowish greenish-gray color and shrank first. Some pipped early, some later. With some the egg totally collapsed and crumpled, but I could not tell the cham had pipped except by carefully looking at each end of the egg (while it lay there- not picking it up) with a magnifying glass. Upon close observation I could just see the chams' lips inside a crumpled pipped area. Some lay like that for more than a day. Don't know if this fits your situation, but just thought I'd add my two cents. THis is our first clutch of veiled eggs to hatch so I had no personal experience of what to expect. One of the eggs was really cute. It was all crumpled up, but I noticed the tail was sticking out, perfectly coiled. But the tail was white. I thought, guess that one didn't make it. I touched the tail, and it moved. I got the magnifying glass and looked and I could see the pipped area, with the whole tail out of the egg and coiled, and little feet right by the tail, and behind the little feet were the cham's lips. The feet and lips were a nice light green color. So, I realized, this guys okay, he's just sort of breeching. He came out, just fine, in his own time.

A few of the babies lay in the pipped shell for a couple of days. And then came out on their own. Only about 1/4 of the clutch has hatched so far.

About how long after yours' turned the yellowish greenish gray color and shrunk did it take for them to hatch?

BTW, thanks for responding!
About how long after yours' turned the yellowish greenish gray color and shrunk did it take for them to hatch?

BTW, thanks for responding!

Actually, they started turning dark weeks ago. Then they shrank and pipped in about 2 days, and came out either the day they pipped or one or 2 days later, depending on the individual. But for weeks some of the eggs have been dark and sort of clear looking and huge, like they were going to burst. When the eggs shrank they turned a yellow/white/brown and laid there all shriveled like some dead looking thing. Then, later that day, or a day or two later, a baby would squirm out.
A plastic storage container about the size you would put a sandwhich in then I put it in a shoe box. I think were I screwed up is I didn't put a lid on the plastic containers' :confused:

That is a good possibility...were you using vermiculite?
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