b. lateralis- good?


Established Member
I'm debating weather or not I should add another roach species to my 'feeder collection'. First off, I'm still trying to find some :rolleyes:, so If anyone on here, in Canada, has any available, send me a PM.

Does anyone use these as a staple feeder? Pros? Cons? Are they truly ''the fastest breeding roach species''? Do chameleons seem to like them?

Would hatchling b. lateralis be suitable for neonate chameleons (probably pardalis)?

After reading the post myself, I increased humidity a little, and WOW they grow a lot faster just in a few days. Unbelievable.

Only advice I can give on them is keep a good protein mix in there, and only feed off the males.

If you're breeding reptiles, these are without question the best roach to get pinhead sized roaches from on a consistent basis. They've been feeding 3 small chameleons and 12 small geckos and one small tree frog for the past 3-4 months without too much effort from me.
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