Are these burns???


New Member
These have devoloped recently on my female veiled's back and head?
Are they burns or something else?
There was a 60 watt bulb in her viv which she has never had a problem with but I have reduced it just in case.

this is my males back aswell, not really concerned about him, think he is just sheding but thought I would get some opinions just in case.

Kindof looks that way to me, but I am looking on my iPhone so could be incorrect.

I'm wary of having a bulb in the enclosure with the animal. If that's necessary, it should probably have a cage or something around it to keep the animal from touching it. You'd like to think they would know not to, but alas...think of it sort of like getting a sunburn, you don't realize you've done it until it's too late to prevent it.
I'd like to say no, as Peanut has some colouration like that... but she's had these since we got her at 11weeks old... the fact that you say these have just developed seems to suggest that its a burn or something.

I hope someone comes along to offer more help soon

Lovely looking animals btw :D
Those are thermal burns. I can't get a link to give you more info atm, but they will more than likely scab and that burned area will fall off. It will look gross for a while, but will heal up. I suggest lifting the bulb up a little bit away from the screen. I use wood blocks for mine when they need to be lifted.
Burns or she's been scraping her back on something. If it were my cham I would get some Silvadene Cream from the vet and order some Reptaid as it is a good all around "natural" healer. You can order it from Chameleons Northwest. You want to watch for infection of the area.
thanks all for the replying.

Do you think a vet visit is neccecery at this stage or is it a case of just letting it heal by it self (after rearanging the cage abit to stop it happining again)

And is it most likley caused by the heat lamp and not the UV?
I would drop your basking bulb to a 40 watt. That will probably help.

thats exactly what I have done, and tommorow I will rearange the cage so she cant get so close to the basking light but is it possable that a uv bulb could do it?
Im sure its the basking light but sust want to make sure.
If your uv light is a linear tube then there is no way it could burn him/her. I would move that incandescent light out of the enclosure asap. As stated earlier start applying topical cream such as silvadene or even neosporin will help it begin to heal and prevent infection.
Something I've read elsewhere: if you use neosporin or another over the counter antibiotic, make sure it does not have painkiller in it.
Im in the UK and can only find 1 of the 3 treatments mentioned. I found Reptaid at £23.50 but no sign of silvadene or neosporin.

Anybody able to point me in the right direction or name other products in the UK?
Neosporin is just a topical antibiotic ointment sold here in drug stores over the counter. It's something you'd put on a kid's cut after you wash it, before you put the bandaid on. From their website, these are the ingredients:
Neomycin Sulfate is in the aminoglycoside family of antibiotics active against gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

Polymyxin B is a cationic polypeptide antibiotic active against gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

Bacitracin Zinc is a cyclic polypeptide antibiotic effective against gram positive bacteria.
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