Anyone tried this software?


Avid Member
Looks like it could be a pretty good Herp Software... But maybe a little questionable. I have been looking for something like this, that is worth using for quite awhile but no luck.

Reptile Collector Software

Anybody tried it?
Anybody wanna Guinea Pig it?

There are 2 very similar products like that and they're free. I used to have them on my old laptop but never actually used them. I found them on the kingsnake forums. The free versions are good enough for small time breeders and the not so free versions have stuff like microchip scanner software which is more for hardcore breeders (mostly the snake people).

Here are two programs that are free:
Yeah I downloaded Metzcal at home, and it seems like it is more geared for snakes. I did not play around with it enough to see if I could get all the info changed over to be geared for other herps. I would like be able to track several kinds of herps with the same software, like my snakes, and Geckos.
I always liked degei, but that's geared towards snakes as well, but can be used for other species. Just have type it in manually. Personally I never could keep up with it. Weekly data entering was bad for me, so I'm guessing daily entering with chams would be horrible.
I used the geckocam one until my computer crashed. I found it pretty simple and useful. It's got weight, sheds, breeding, health issues, length, feeding, enclosures, etc. I tried doing the feeding thing, but after about 2 weeks of entering in daily feedings for 8 chams, I gave up. I still used the weight, sheds, and breeding databases. I'll probably download it again if I can't recover my old data.
Looks like it could be a pretty good Herp Software... But maybe a little questionable. I have been looking for something like this, that is worth using for quite awhile but no luck.

Anybody tried it?
Anybody wanna Guinea Pig it?


Hey Joe,

So far I really like it.

It is fairly easy, you can add multiple photos for each of the specimen and there are numerous records you can keep on each specimen (feeding, breeding, medical, etc.)

I have started transferring all of my notes and photos into the database for my current chameleons. It is a slow process but I'm sure it will prove quite useful. I especially like the idea of not having to keep paper journals with rippled pages as a result of writing notes while under the misters.

No regrets so far.

Hope this helps.
Awesome! Thanks Elisa for the review... very helpful. Sounds like it could be worth it. Didn't it say that it works from Access? If that is true I am sure that there are some usefull access function hat could be used? Is this the case?

I am going to try a few of these and see which one will cater to our hobby's needs best. I'll let you know which one works best for me.

Thanks for the input everyone.

Well, hold on. I might have run into a problem. I entered in some chameleons and their their data but when I closed the program, the records disappeared. I'll update you if I figure out what's going on.

Well, hold on. I might have run into a problem. I entered in some chameleons and their their data but when I closed the program, the records disappeared. I'll update you if I figure out what's going on.

I figured it out thanks to an email that was neatly filed in my spam folder. You have to open the program as the system administrator first and then your records will be saved.

Now the software is working well and I'm happy.

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