Anybody's cham out in the rain?


I had to go away this weekend, but only to the LAX area. I knew the storm was coming, so I velcroed a little umbrella to the shelf unit that Piko's cage sits on. Then the storm came, and it was pretty wild out there! I think we got a few months worth of rain all at once. I was so worried that I drove home this afternoon to check on her in case the umbrella got blown away or something.
It took me 45 mins to drive what normally takes about 20 mins, horrible! Anyway, I made it home, Piko was fine, sitting under her light. I don't think she ate much all weekend, as it has been a bit cold, but the umbrella was fine, and kept the electrics dry which is the main thing. I dismantled the MistKing for now.
I'll try and post a pic tomorrow. She looked so cute, sitting there under her light!!
Anyone else have their chams outside in this weather?
My animals go outside all summer and get rained on all the time. I cover half the cage with shade cloth to block some of the rain. I worry more about the wind then the rain.

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