Any idea's?


New Member
Firstly I need to find a cheap system to allow it to rain in the vivarium, I know there are lots on the market but quite expensive.Does anyone know of a way to build one on the cheap????

Secondly I would like to get a new vivarium but not sure of the best one to use. I live in the UK.
You will also need to figure out where all that water is gonna go! You don't want to flood the cage, or the floor for that matter! You will need to think about drainage too. I have made Amy a dripper and have a container placed in her cage to catch the drips (covered of course so she can't fall in!) I've just changed the container so I can collect a day's worth of dripper water without switching containers twice a day. It's working really well!
garden sprayer hooked into a water hose style fitting. attach it to a in line water timer and then run your drip/mist line and there ya go. just pump the sprayer in the morning before your day and your good to go.
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