Ankify and Nosy Komba


Established Member
Does anyone here own or breed either of these 2 locales? When looking at these locales on a map, Nosy Komba appears as a small island south of Nosy be and Ankify appears very close to Ambanja. Because the Ankify panthers I have seen always seem to possess Ambanja phenotypes, it makes me wonder-- Is Ankify an older name for Ambanja, or is it a separate locale? If the chameleons from these locales are exclusive in appearance, does anyone have any more info or pictures of them? Thanks,

That guy is amazing! O.O Oh great, another "must have" locale to obsess over and try to obrtain! Anyone own any of these guys, or know of any breeders? I am assuming most of them are probably WC imports and are not yet popular among captive breeders?

Ankify is treated more or less as a sub-Locale of Ambanja, depending on who you talk to. The generally accepted opinon over the last 6-10 years is that the background may show more yellow than one would expect from the usual Ambanja perception. Below is one of several "Ankify" that we brought in a while back. It looks somewhat different, but many more are needed to develop some consensus about color trends and variations.
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Jim you should definitely get some of Bonaparte's offspring up on the forum. I would buy one.
I was about to say that Jim has some :p
Ankify is gorgeous, isn't it?
I love the white belly.

Hey Jim, sent you a pm.

Thats a Nosy Komba, they are very cool, that one is solid orange, not sure about the Ankify Ambanjah thing though

That is most definitely NOT a male from Nosy Komba. Nosy Komba males look more similar to an Ambanja-type, with greens and blue bars, etc. I believe Nosy Komba and Nosy tanikely (definitely is) are both protected reserves, so seeing panthers from there is not too likely in captivity.
The first Nosy Komba pictures I saw were the ones from the exo-terra guys. It seems that half the photo hits for this locale are of orange specimens and half are of blue-green specimens with blue bars. I personally think that the blue-green chameleons are more likely to be the "correct" specimens for this locale because Nosy Komba is very close to Nosy be and phenotype similarities between the locales would make sense. As for the "Orange Panthers" I am completely intrigued by them and would love to find out exactly what t hey are. Jim, that Ankify is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!:eek:

Going to have to check my files ....

... which are scattered between too many computers, but Bill Love was photographing Nosy Komba at least 4-5 years ago, and possibly even earlier. With how pictures end up being passed around, etc., they could be in a lot of nooks and crannies by now. For instance, with the panther article he and I co-authored in the Dec '05 Reptiles Magazine (cover story), the first page of the article (page 40) is a full page photo of an adult male Nosy Komba, which he photographed in Madagascar 1-2 years prior (not sure). I have not the time right now to research all, to include where Bill has posted on-line, but there is probably a pretty good pictoral history spread out there with his name on it.
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