"All grown up" Silkworms........

A few weeks ago I bought some Silkworms. They were super tiny and I managed to feed them and grow them to be decent sized feeders for my chameleons. Now,.....some of them are getting really big, the size of my fingers! I feel they are to big to feed. I have researched the stages ect and I would like to get some more input.

1. Should I keep going about my daily routine (feeding and cleaning out the container of poop) with the extra large silkies, or should I get toilet paper rolls ready because they will want to spin cocoons soon........ or both?

2. Any help from here on out for what to expect would be greatly appreciated. :D
If they lay eggs should i keep them? Should I feed the moths to the chameleons?

It's been fun watching these little guys grow up!
I know the chameleons love the moths. As long as your cham is big enough. I dont know much about anything else of the matter though. Im sure someone will chime in.
If i were in your situation, i would let them pupate in that rolls, and let them lay eggs. After laying i would feed them with the chameleons (if its a melleri, the big enough to eat anything! :) And hatch the eggs..raise little silkies and the circle starts again :D
Its my personal opinion... i like to breed my own feeders, and i cant purchase silkworms here unfortunately, and the shipping from the USA were way too much! :S
Keep feedin and add some 1.5"-2" rolls. If you feed the moths off you may find eggs in the chameleon poop. It's normal. :) you can let them lay eggs if you want, you don't have to though.
So I got a male Panther Chameleon and a male Mueller Chameleon. I just bought the silkworm egg kit from Coastal Silkworms and it should be arriving tomorrow. I would love to be able to see the silkies become moths and feed them. I bet the boys will go crazy because i've never fed them a flying bug before!

So, let me lay out what I think i got from all the comments....

1. Place the rolls and food still in my container and hopefully they will spin cocoons. Then they may mate as well and lay eggs.

2. Pick out the eggs and place them in a container designated for eggs and place in fridge til I want to try an hatch them????

3. Feed moths to chameleons and hope the eggs hatch and start the process all over again.

4. How long does it take once the eggs are formed to hatch??? Also, there may be unfertilized eggs too if they don't mate , right?

Thank you again for all you help guys! I'm super excited to be learning an having a new hobby "raising silkies" and hopefully make my chameleons more happy with new food!
The moths don't fly.

Yes, let them cocoon. I like to place the cocoons in a separate container since it gets messy when they emerge. Once out they will start to mate. I like to put mating couples ontop of cardstock under a cup so that the female's eggs are contained in a nice little area. Within a few days, any fertile eggs, will turn a purple-grey color. Place them in the fridge for a few weeks then remove what you want to hatch.
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