Advice on misting systems in the UK


I would like to invest in a misting system and I would like recommendations on a good system I can buy in the UK. Unfortunately I can't afford the shipping of a Mistking system from America (although I would like one). I know Junglefrog sells them but it is out of stock and I have contacted them as to when they will have any more but they haven't got back to me. That leaves me looking for alternatives. I am looking for something that is reliable. I only have the one cage to mist. Any advice and recommendations is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Congratulations on your chameleon what are you getting?
I have a veiled and I have had him about 9 months now. We have just moved him into an extra large reptibreeze mesh vivarium. I currently hand mist him with a garden sprayer like your link but I am looking into getting an automated system.
Personally, I am going to import a MK or Aquazmap when I can afford to do so.

DO NOT, under any circumstances, buy an Exo Terra Monsoon.
I have ahd about four and every one broke within months. (leaking pipes, broken timer...)

You could have a look here:

I know they have some heavy duty misting systems, but I'm not sure how they compare to a MK.
what i plan to do... is have a water heater for fish...

put it in a bowl full right to the top with water and leave on you will need to keep a eye on it and keep toping up but we found in the morning all lovley and steamy in the morning as i have a baby i am putting a very fine net over the bowl which you can get from a garden center like a strawberry net but better.. just make sure the water does not go in .. for now it works for me..

that why today i went and got the set again as the last one . i broke.

i did buy a fogger but did not do the job for me.:)
I purchased one of the systems from Dartfrog many years ago.

No complaints, it seemed to be very high quality and dependable.
If you are set on a mistking, there I a polish company that deliver to the uk called vivariumland.
I currently have a ENT mister (think dart frog sell them). It looks identical to a mist king pump and works great. Only problem is when the water has run out a few times it has been a real pain to get it working again.
Thank you, I will have a closer look at dartfrog. I have brought plants through them before and that was ok. I find it a it of a minefield. All help has been greatly appreciated.

im in the uk never bothered with a mister just made a dripper,my oustie loves it
Mine won`t drink from a dripper and later in the year I am planning a couple of weekends away. I have someone who will come in and look at my chameleon but I want a system so I can make sure it will get enough water. I want to get it soon so I can make sure it is reliable and works well.
What's the humidity in the room? For my veiled in a exo terra flexarium I use a dripper for him as the relative humidity in the room is mid 30s.
Personally, I am going to import a MK or Aquazmap when I can afford to do so.

DO NOT, under any circumstances, buy an Exo Munsoon.
I have ahd about four and every one broke within months. (leaking pipes, broken timer...)

You could have a look here:

I know they have some heavy duty misting systems, but I'm not sure how they compare to a MK.

so true.
and then if you return it, they will send you a new one that will go Ka-put in another 4-6 months too.
(but then they would not replace that one for me anyway.)
so I basically had 2 that did not last a total of even a year.

normally, as a manufacturer, merchant and sponsor...
I usually would not do a post like this... but this is one time I felt so ripped off by a product that is made as cheap as possible,
I must highlight what Spangoss is saying to warn people here with my own similar experiences.

And the SAD THING is that I would make a bet--
That by adding about 5.00 worth of better components and internal waterproofing to these units ....
They would have a wonderful product.

makes u wonder why they don't care to do so?

It boggles my mind.

Anyway, cheers!
For all UK keepers, are selling 'Mistking' systems! :D
That is good but they are out of stock and I have tried to contact them a number of times and they never got back to me so I am going with dart frog. Thank you everyone for all your help.
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