Advice after vet visit please.


Avid Member
Today Charlotte, my WC Jackson, had to be taken to the vet. She was really lethargic and I found her at the bottom of her cage. I scrambled and found a vet. Luckily they had an appointment open for 5pm. Well he examined her and said her intestines feel a little hard and she might have parasites. Seeing as I've had her for eight months I decided to go with treatment as she is well acclimated. So far I've showered her twice and force fed two silkworms each time. I wanted to know what everyone thought of what the vet prescribed.

Enrofloxacin .06 ml every 48 hours for ten treatments.
Metronidazole .1 ml every 7 days for four treatments.
Panacur .06 every 7 days for four treatments.

I've already given them to her today orally by syringe. She seems to be hanging in there. Any advice, comments, help?
Wow! I guess there has been no fecal to determine what kind of suspected parasites?

I was thinking the same thing!

My question would be whats the purpose of the baytril? It just sounds like alot of medication for not having run any tests.
Did the vet tell you why ditout testing he has that little cham on all of those meds? maybe tomorrow you might need to see another vet. We can give to the names of some excellent ones within driving distance from Riverside.
My question would be whats the purpose of the baytril? It just sounds like alot of medication for not having run any tests.

The baytril is there probably to prevent any further infections because her immune system is already taxed pretty hard. It does seem like a lot of medication but a standard reptile deworming is a mix of metronidazole and panacur. with its intestines already feeling ropey because they are full of worms i doubt that there will be much of a fecal to do a test on unless its fecal is nothing but a turd of worms :(
The baytril is there probably to prevent any further infections because her immune system is already taxed pretty hard. It does seem like a lot of medication but a standard reptile deworming is a mix of metronidazole and panacur. with its intestines already feeling ropey because they are full of worms i doubt that there will be much of a fecal to do a test on unless its fecal is nothing but a turd of worms :(

This is if they are parasites and not some kind of impaction or constipation. A hardened abdomen could be due to quite a few issues, and it's so easy to get a fecal done and rule that in/out.

OP, I also suggest maybe finding a different vet or convincing this one to run more tests. If it isn't parasites then you don't want to be treating her for something that it isn't when you could be attacking the real problem. Best of luck, please keep us updated!
I agree with the others here. That's allot of meds for one little girl and without a fecal the vet wouldn't know if she had parasites or not and which parasite she had and what to use to treat them. A better cham vet would be a good idea.
Yeah. That's why I posted it because of everything you guys mentioned. I even asked why he was prescribing antibiotics, and he said for any possible infection. I asked twice and just remember thinking there were no tests done. I was just like, yeah I don't think she has an infection but you're the reptile vet. It's a holiday weekend so the vets I found with the forum resources didn't have anyone available. I drove 20 miles away for this vet. He was going to give me more, but I declined the rest of it.

She seems to be doing better today though. She's moved around and isn't so lethargic so I don't know if it was the meds or not. Yesterday she passed a tiny fecal after her first shower and I forgot to take it to the vet. It was very small, brown with white at the end.

If I were you, maybe bring a fecal sample to the meeting on tuesday and Dave can test it at home for you...and he could tell you what the cham has...from there you can see the if the meds your giving are correct for that parasite? But from experience working at a want to minimize any meds for chams since it's pretty hard on them...hope this helps.

The baytril is there probably to prevent any further infections because her immune system is already taxed pretty hard. It does seem like a lot of medication but a standard reptile deworming is a mix of metronidazole and panacur. with its intestines already feeling ropey because they are full of worms i doubt that there will be much of a fecal to do a test on unless its fecal is nothing but a turd of worms :(

Well if she was that infested deworming could cause an impaction.

Chameleons are sensitive, shot gun method can kill them easily. Better to know what your treating and why then to use unnecessary medication.
I agree with you guys, but she hasn't passed anything since Saturday. The little piece she did was all dried up by the time I got home. Are there any tests that can be run without a fecal? She is still hanging in there. I showered her today and fed her two silkworms. She is such a good girl.
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