Today Charlotte, my WC Jackson, had to be taken to the vet. She was really lethargic and I found her at the bottom of her cage. I scrambled and found a vet. Luckily they had an appointment open for 5pm. Well he examined her and said her intestines feel a little hard and she might have parasites. Seeing as I've had her for eight months I decided to go with treatment as she is well acclimated. So far I've showered her twice and force fed two silkworms each time. I wanted to know what everyone thought of what the vet prescribed.
Enrofloxacin .06 ml every 48 hours for ten treatments.
Metronidazole .1 ml every 7 days for four treatments.
Panacur .06 every 7 days for four treatments.
I've already given them to her today orally by syringe. She seems to be hanging in there. Any advice, comments, help?
Enrofloxacin .06 ml every 48 hours for ten treatments.
Metronidazole .1 ml every 7 days for four treatments.
Panacur .06 every 7 days for four treatments.
I've already given them to her today orally by syringe. She seems to be hanging in there. Any advice, comments, help?