ISA my Veiled
New Member
Hi guys, I recently bought my friends male Veiled Chameleon. Well the terms of the deal was that I had to buy the female along with him in order to get his enclosure because for some reason they had the two together. I would like to really limit the problems of having two in the same cage and have her go to a great home instead of the stress the growing and maturing male will cause her to have. I may reconsider keeping her but I really don't want to have to buy another set up to keep them separate because its so expensive as you all know even when you do find good prices online. Just PM me please, I would really not like to ship her, but if you live in south east Wisconsin we can arrange something, would like to sell her for $50.00. She is very docile and sweet, hasn't hissed at them or me one time and is very calm cool and collected. Let me know! Would love to find her a great home!