4 month old male triceros hoehnelii, cb.


Chameleon Enthusiast
They've been outdoors 27/7 since day 3 of their lives. Daytime high temps:65-80. night lows:50-60.

I'm so hesitant to dive into these. I haven't come across anyone keeping these warmer than that. In south Florida it's so difficult to get a significant drop like that.

I'm working with jacksonii jacksonii but they seem forgiving so far if they're kept hydrated.
I'm so hesitant to dive into these. I haven't come across anyone keeping these warmer than that. In south Florida it's so difficult to get a significant drop like that.

I'm working with jacksonii jacksonii but they seem forgiving so far if they're kept hydrated.
J. jacksonii come from very close to the same areas in Kenya as the T. hoehnelii. Some hoehnelii live at much higher altitudes (up to 12,000 ft.), others not as much (4,500 ft.). Hoehnelii can take higher and lower temps than jacksonii, and require a little less humidity. I know somebody keeping hoehnelii in the central valley in Ca. where it is much warmer and less humid than here on the coast. I'll talk to him about his temps and get back to you.
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