2024 Chameleon Calendar

Voting Results

The result for all 6 polls are now available.
Veiled Chameleons I
Veiled Chameleons II
Panther Chameleons I
Panther Chameleons II
Other Chameleons I
Other Chameleons II

The top photo from each of the 6 polls is guaranteed to be featured in the calendar. The second ranked image is also guaranteed to be included. However, we had a tie for second place in several of the polls and that could affect how those images are featured. Some images that ranked below 2nd place will be included as well. We will announce the final contents of the calendar next week after the cover poll ends.
Calendar preorders will begin Friday and shipping will begin the following week. We are still working on pricing details.

The contents of the calendar will be shared over the next several days leading up to Friday. There will be more pages than any of our previous 15 calendars o_O
Calendar preorders will begin Friday and shipping will begin the following week. We are still working on pricing details.

The contents of the calendar will be shared over the next several days leading up to Friday. There will be more pages than any of our previous 15 calendars o_O
Thank you for all the work you put into this @Brad
Calendar Content (1/4)

After much consideration the set of photos for our 2024 calendar has been chosen. During the development process the community voted on 7 separate polls. Every photo that placed 1st or 2nd is displayed on a full calendar page. Photos that placed 3rd or 4th are displayed on a collage page. A limit of 3 photos per member was used. There were many great entries and it's unfortunate how little room there is in a 12 month calendar. I want to sincerely thank everyone that submitted photos or took the time to vote. Calendar preorders will begin Friday and shipping will begin the following week.

Below are the first 6 thumbs from the new calendar. More will be posted on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.






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