1st chameleon death stories

no cham deaths. but i tell a few sad stories. I had got my first iguana. it was a girl with MBD. she was so sweet and the most beautiful green. her name was jubjub. i took her outside everyday (i was like 10) and let her eat. one day a kitty kitty snuck up behind me and attacked. it was either her or the kitty. i grabed the cat and jubjub ran into the wood. i lived in okinawa so she may still be alive. the temps are just right for her and there pleanty to eat. :) i like to think thats what happend. i was compleaty upset and i bought a new iguana. iggy. it was a male. i picked the worst looking male. he was compleatly black and sooo mean! i had him 4years and fed him a good diet and dusted with calcuim spray everyday(i had no forums and figured this out on my own) i took gr8 care of him! he was like a puppy! we'd go for walks together and go to the beach allll the time. he'd go swim with me and run on the beach on 2 legs when he got fast enough. he died later that year. his mouth began to rot and his eye got big. i knew it was parasites and took him to the vet. he gave me TOPICAL meds to treat the symptoms not the problem(and yeah he was an "exotic") i was so mad. i could hardly look at iggy anymore because it just broke my heart. i came home one day after giveing cupcakes to a jap woman who let me pet her goats. i should have been home for him. :( he was dead. i remember it was the most terrible thing that haa ever happend to me. iv never lost someone i loved before and i truley loved iggy. i told him everything. i screamed and cryed and was depressed for mnths. RIP i love you iggy. (sometimes there just nothing you can do). thats him when he was young(ish). he free roamed my room. we later moved to a nicer house and i put in a hudgee cage. he missed my room tho.
my first cham was a jackson that had lived for one year in my care untill i noticed a small sore on his lip in the corner of his mouth a day before vacation. i didnt think anything of it and lent him to my friend to watch, he did an amazing job but the problem still was there. did some research and found out it was probably mouth rot and instead of taking it to the vet i just ordered some rot gaurd from the internet. he was looking all and well. i was giving him water with a syringe daily and he was eating only a few crix a day. then one night he started hanging upside down and looking lifeless. i picked him up and knew he was on his way. he died within the hour, in my hands. the meds didnt even come in for the next 2 days. so for all you first time cham owners i cant stress enough on how much you need to take your animals to the vets at the slightest sing of a problem or even just a checkup.
fortunately not reptile deaths yet. However as anyone with pets knows they will die sometime. The worst for my family was on Mother's day this year. My 8 year old daughter shows rabbits for 4H and her pride and joy was Puffball, an American fuzzy Lop. We had been busy all week and no one had noticed he wasn't eating and drinking normally, Sunday night we came home from dinner out and he was dead in his cage in her bedroom. Vet said most likely a blockage from his own fur, rabbits cannot digest or hack up like cats. i still feel awful, because it was my job as mommy to help her remember to groom him daily so as to avoid this happening.
Veiled death

my First chameleon was a female veiled and i was doing such a good job with her, i started out in a small mesh cage and by the time she was 1 year old i decided she deserved a bigger cage( a way bigger cage to be exact) so my dad and i built a big screen cage mesh, the day before i took her out to her new cage she had roamed free in my room and had gotten lost, it took me a good thrashing of my room to realize she was up in the curtain, wich i had"checked" anyway, since the veiled like dry and hot i took her out to her new cage the next day..and i went back inside to cleen up the room i had messed up the day before i gave her plenty of water and put ice cubes..it was about 1oo degrees out,,wich i thought was fine for her since i had taken her out to this climate plenty of times..i lost track of time cleening my room and when i went back outside after an hour she was on the bottom of the cage and was hardened:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( NEVER TRUST OUTSIDE TEMP.ESPECIALLY HOT TEMP. THTS WAT I LEARNED AND HUMIDITY KILLS
WoW This is crazy im looking forward to buying a chameleon anytime soon. still got a lot to learn. :)
I had bought a baby veiled Cham when I prolly was about ten or so. I purchased it from a pet store which everyone ne has heard horror store about. Well mine not much better, the place had given me instructions on how to care for him. Looking back now they were not to far off based. They nl forgot the most important thing the UVB LIGHT!! They had said since you are placing him by a window he should have no need for the UVB light. Well they were wrong he ended up getting very sick and would not eat. He ended up passing away and I decided I could not bare getting another one. After many years went by I began to think about wining one again and started doing some research and made my purchase online from tikitiki. The only thing I can suggest to new owners is do plenty of research online even if it takes months. When owning a Cham there is no hurry chamois are never in a hurry to do anything you should be either. Also never never chose the cheap way out. If you feel you are having a hard time meeting the misting amount just buy a MistKing. Nothing makes me more upset is when I see people Trying to be cheap when owning a Cham. Just for the record chamois are a VERY EXPENSIVE PET.
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