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  1. J

    How can I get my Veiled to not run away when I mist?

    Ive got about a year and a half old female veiled and i feel like she just hates me for misting, i dont spray her directly but she always gets a little wet. She always runs down to the bottom of her enclosure and gets all swollen and pissy.
  2. J

    Hisser Pricing

    How much do Adult Hissers go for? Ive got a colony of 50 or so nearing adulthood and want to sell some off, I am just looking for an average price range.
  3. J

    Sphag moss in Veiled enclosure?

    Im not new to this forum or chameleon care but I have heard "do not use substrate for Veileds" ive been thinking of putting in some sphag moss and springtails so that i dont have to clean it so frequently and it doesnt smell bad. My question is, would this be a bad thing? I feel like my cham...
  4. J

    How can i get my veiled chameleon to walk onto me?

    Shes near a year old and she will come to me if I put my hand out but she always thinks i have a roach or worm in it so she tries to shoot it. If i try to grab her, even if I move slow she swells up and hisses and tries to bite me. I really think it would be cool t handle her and i know veileds...
  5. J

    How can i get my Veiled Cham to eat fruits and/or veggies

    Ive been very interested in trying to get my almost one year old chameleon to eat something other than live food. She has a great feeding response and will redily shoot my hand if i put it near her and try to eat it Should i trick her into shooting a slice of fruit or?
  6. J

    Are money trees toxic to Veiled Chameleons?

    Alright, i know that, right off the bat, this is going to be extremely controversial, however I think this information could be very very useful for tons of people. The only way i can think to say it is that it is an 'experiment' or a 'test' and that sounds horrible to 'test' on your beloved pet...
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