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  1. Denaixoxo

    Veiled chameleon

    I just got a new chameleon yesterday and he keeps climbing to the top of the cage with his mouth open. Should I be concerned
  2. Denaixoxo

    Boy or girl ?

    I still don’t know if this is a male or female and I’ve had my chameleon since April
  3. Denaixoxo

    Chameleons poop

    how do I know if my chameleons poop is healthy
  4. Denaixoxo

    Help Very important!!

    Shoul I be concerned about this on my Chameleon’s face pls help
  5. Denaixoxo

    Male or female ?

    I got a new baby Jackson and I’m trying I figure out it a male or female
  6. Denaixoxo

    Pregnant chameleon

    is it normal for a gravid chameleon to go in the laying bin and taste the dirt or does that mean something else ?
  7. Denaixoxo

    Jackson chameleon

    So we got another chameleon and this time he's a Jackson and it's a baby. Is the care for the chameleons the same ?
  8. Denaixoxo

    Help please

    my flapped neck chameleon won't eat much or won't poop I've had it for about 5 months and I'm not really sure of the species but I believe it's a girl. I'm very worried about my chameleon so if anyone knows anything please help.
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