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  1. mandaxx3x

    Sleepy Calvin

    She was sitting in her plant in the window from about 5 to 7:30. Which is actually around her bedtime. As I was taking her back to her enclosure she fell asleep in my hand. Literally in her jammas and everything. My little sass master shows love and comfort after all.
  2. mandaxx3x

    Calvin and MBD

    Calvin has been sitting in the sun for a few hours the past few days. She's more active than she was last week, and climbing again. My only issue is that I can't get her to eat. So I know she's getting vitamin D, but she's not getting any calcium. What can I do to get her to eat or get some calcium?
  3. mandaxx3x

    99% sure Calvin has MBD :(

    Posted a picture in a Facebook forum and someone said she did. The soonest I can get her to a vet is Monday night. She's not eating, so I know she's not getting the proper vitamins that she should be getting. We just switched to a reptibreeze hood lamp with a 10.0 bulb. Is there anything I...
  4. mandaxx3x

    Bonsai tree

    Husband bought himself a bonsai tree. Little miss sass master Calvin has decided to claim it for herself. Every time we try to take her out of it to go back into her enclosure she hisses.
  5. mandaxx3x

    Fogger/mister suggestions

    Unfortunately I don't currently have $150+ to spend on a mist king.. I'm looking to spend about $100 or less. I spray her and the enclosure a lot and she has a dripper. I just don't like worrying about her when I'm not home :( any suggestions?
  6. mandaxx3x

    Calvin was mad

    Husband took her out of her enclosure yesterday. She wasn't very happy about it so we put her back.. However, before putting her back he told her to close her mouth and she did
  7. mandaxx3x

    Poor Calvin..

    According to my dad (who has had a few reptiles but doesn't even like chameleons) I starve Calvin. Because I give her 15 small crickets a day (if we give her more she doesn't eat them all), and I only feed her in the morning. He was like "you're starving her. I know how to take care of lizards"...
  8. mandaxx3x

    Early Bedtime?

    Today is the second day in a row that Calvin has gone to sleep before her usual time. Her light turns on at 6:34am, and turns off at 6:34pm. It is currently 5:10, and she is already in her sleeping spot with her eyes closed and her tail curled up. The only thing I can think of is that maybe my...
  9. mandaxx3x

    More plants

    Added some more plants to Calvin's habitat today as I felt it looked a bit empty before. I read that they prefer lots of foliage. And that the more comfortable they feel in their habitat the more likely they are to chill in the open where you can see them easier. I mean half the time I have a...
  10. mandaxx3x

    Horned worms

    Any idea what I can do with them? I'm trying to find someone to buy them. We bought 26 and 6 of them got way too big before Calvin could eat them. They're probably about as long as her. I don't know what else to do with them. I also just learned they turn into moths! :eek::eek: here is a...
  11. mandaxx3x

    Second shed

    Calvin has shed for the second time while in our care. I read that they shed about every 6 weeks or so. Which has made it a tad bit easier to age her. Pretty sure she's about 4 months. I can't get pictures now as she's asleep, but I'll post some as soon as possible :) our baby is growing up so fast
  12. mandaxx3x

    Calvin's outside adventure

    So today was about 80 degrees (Fahrenheit), and after we got home we decided to take Calvin outside and she had a great time. I loved watching her walk through the grass it was amazing. I cannot get over how awesome her coloring is
  13. mandaxx3x

    Sunshine day

    This beauty got some natural UVB light today since it was finally warm enough to open the windows. She turned super dark green and her coloring was absolutely beautiful. She spent a couple hours sitting on her plant in the window. And then she had such an exciting day doing that, she was in her...
  14. mandaxx3x

    When your chameleon hates you..

    Ever since my husband built Calvin her new habitat, getting her out has been a pain in the butt. She loves it in there so much that she hisses (well, more like squeaks) and lunges as us. Like really Calvin? I just wanted to give you a worm. Brat..
  15. mandaxx3x

    Horn worms

    Today we learned that miss Calvin LOVES horn worms. Even if they are expensive as all hell. Spent 21 dollars for 26 worms :eek: but its for her so its okay.
  16. mandaxx3x

    Habitat question..

    So Calvin's new home is made of window screen. I know when they're younger they need more humidity and moisture. However, I'm not entirely sure how to keep the humidity in there for her. I know live plants will help but I need some other suggestions. We have a dripper and I spray the fake plants...
  17. mandaxx3x

    Calvin's new home

    My husband built Calvin a custom habitat. It needs more plants, but so far she loves it. What real plants do your chameleons enjoy?
  18. mandaxx3x

    Sleeping chameleon

    Okay, so currently Calvin is sleeping like a weirdo. I have never seen her sleep like this before. And although its amusing, I am terrified that she is going to fall during the night and get hurt. Mom life, even when one of your four kids is only a chameleon. Anyway, here is the picture of my...
  19. mandaxx3x

    Chameleon bed time?

    Do you have a set bed time for your chameleon? Calvin seems to like to be asleep by 6:30pm. Which makes sense, because I wake up and turn her light on generally between 6:30am and 7am. However, I'm not sure if this is a normal time for them.. I don't want to assume they're like human babies and...
  20. mandaxx3x

    Chameleon age

    My husband purchased Calvin for my birthday. We brought her home on March 4th. Currently unsure of her age, but she's doing very well. She's always light green unless nervous or basking. She's quite active. Loves to climb. Her favorite thing to eat is crickets. She'll eat meal worms out of my...
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