Handsome Jack's picture thread!


Ladies and germs, here are the first photos of Handsome Jack, my baby Jackson's chameleon! I'm kinda thinking I'm gonna upload all of his pictures into this thread so we can see him grow up! He's so cute with his nubby little baby horns and stuff. :D

2013-09-15 13.00.05.jpg

2013-09-15 13.00.34.jpg

2013-09-15 13.01.25.jpg

2013-09-15 13.44.54.jpg
Haha! Omgoodness he's so cute!! Nubby horns!! Love this little guy already! Looking forward to watching him grow up! :)
Congrats, he is so cute! I want a Jax as my next but I think I'll have trouble finding them around here. Enjoy your baby!
He's seriously the cutest thing ever.. I had him hanging out on his Schefflera plant yesterday while I set up his cage, and I misted his plant and he was sitting there drinking like a little camel. He must have been thirsty from sitting at the reptile show! I turned on his lights and stuff this morning, misted his cage, and he was just sitting there moving his little eyes around and looking in a bazillion different directions. I have a feeling that Handsome Jack and I are going to have several long and happy years together.
Here's some pictures of Handsome Jack and his new free range setup! Sorry about the pooey pictures of him-I had to zoom in from a bit of a distance because he hates the camera.

2013-10-06 12.40.08.jpg

His little nose horn looks like it's growing out. :D
2013-10-06 12.41.25.jpg

Here's the lights.
2013-10-06 12.40.35.jpg

2013-10-06 12.40.43.jpg
I can't wait till he grows up! I'm gonna miss the cute and nubby Handsome Jack, but I'm gonna love the HANDSOME Handsome Jack! :)
Awwww! He reminds me of when my Monty was that size! I took photos of him on my finger around the same date every month to chart his growth and I am so glad I did as I love looking back on those pictures! There is something extra special about a Jackson, they are so cute and laid back! :D
Here's a few pictures of him from today. He HATES my phone. I don't know if you can tell from the pictures, but he looks like his horns are starting to grow out. :D

2013-10-17 16.23.36.jpg

2013-10-17 16.25.11.jpg
2013-11-06 20.50.18.jpg

2013-11-06 20.52.58.jpg

2013-11-06 20.54.03.jpg

2013-11-06 20.54.20.jpg

Here's some more pictures, as per Lathis' request. The little turd actually let me hold him! Usually he turns dark and "runs" away but he just kinda sat there and let me pick him up this time.
Here's some more pictures, as per Lathis' request. The little turd actually let me hold him! Usually he turns dark and "runs" away but he just kinda sat there and let me pick him up this time.

Okay, you can send me your AP homework now :D

He looks like he's put on a bit of size. Start weighing him; that's the best way to know for sure.
You can really see his horns are starting to grow out now! The horns above his eyes just look a little longer, but the nose horn has another little segment and is starting to get a bit of a curve. I'll post pictures if I can get any good ones.
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