My experience with an egg bound female Veiled Chameleon.

As of Friday, I have no longer had my precious Delilah... She passed away suddenly due to egg binding. It happened so fast it was impossible to help her. Seeing a Chameleon that you have grown so close to is extremely hard to witness. Watching her face in pain was the worst part.

-I walked into the door of my room to check and mist the chameleons as I do daily after school. I always walk over to Delilah, open her cage and scratch her chin and she kind of looks at me like she should get food since the door is open. I'll miss that look on her face for now on.. But instead I walked over to find her on the bottom branch over the plant pot where there is exposed dirt, in her greenest of green and yellow colours that are indescribable... Her eyes where closed so tightly and she looked so weak. I picked her up out of her cage and she didn't resist as she normally would. I knew in the back of my head that something seriously was wrong with my darling Delilah.. She felt like air and her skin was the most indescribable texture in the world.. I rushed her to the vet and sat with her for 2 and a half hours before she had to take her last breathe.. I had x-rays and a calcium boost done on her, but she was too far gone to even come back from the murky depths of passing on.. We then gave her oxygen and she was in more pain than I ever wanted to see her go through. My baby was sick and I couldn't do anything for her. Now I don't know if any of you have experienced this, but it's horrid. You can't do anything what so ever to help them out.. I had to watch my little girl in pain and dying right in front of me.. :( I had to make the toughest decision of my life.. I had to let her go away forever... Her turn was over. Her turn is done. She doesn't get another chance. She doesn't get another time to bask in her light, or to get another treat just for me opening in the cage. :( I don't get to see her face glow and light up just opening the cage. I miss you Delilah. You where my favorite of all my Chameleons and the most sweet. I can never replace you sweet sweet Delilah. I love you darling. May you rest in peace and have all the crickets, dubia, superworms, and whatever else you get up there. Just make sure that I cared and I will never stop caring about you. I love and miss you Delilah.


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