
my tmouratures for the eggs have been running real high today. They were at 77 last night..but today the topped out at 81 or 82...they are down to 79...Any ideas for keeping them cool?

Hey Jake,

I keep my eggs in a cabinet in the hallway.. there is central AC in the house, and it keeps the temps about perfect. If there wasn't, I would seriously consider purchasing a wine cooler refrigerator. They are fairly inexpensive, and you can set the temps on them to whatever you need.

thats interesting, because i have a wine cooler in my room...but i thought that it would be to cold..i will check the temps though..Thanks so much!

Can you set the temps on yours, Jake? The ones that I have seriously looked at have thermostats that allow you to set it up to about 75 degrees. I know some people on the forum are using a little refrigerator that has an adjustable thermostat as well.
what about trsndferring the eggs to two smaller boxes and use the wine cooler? As long as you dont handle them too much adn do not rotate them in any way when you move them you could be ok...
16 years ago everyone incubated panther eggs at a constant 82 degrees. My first clutches were incubated at constant 79-80 degrees with no problems whatsoever. Although not ideal temps as we know them now, it is unlikely that temps in the low 80's will cause any problems, especially this soon after laying. Hope that eases your worries some.
I keep my incubator in a air conditioned room set at 74. I guess you don't have a basement in your house . You can soak a towel in cold water and rap it around the container or put ice in a towel and rap the container with it and check the temp.
Would a chick incubator work for Panther eggs?

Many keepers use chick incubators. They work well at keeping eggs from getting too cold during the winter months. The problem that many of us run into is not keeping them warm enough but keeping them below 80F during the summer months. The little hot/cold mini frigs looked promising and some keepers have had success with them but there seems to be issues with the preciseness of their thermostats. Some users have found that the thermostat's temperature setpoint will vary up and down +/- 5F or more. Many keepers want control of +/- 2F or better. My guess is that they may do better at regulating temps at much lower or higher setpoints.


Someday, I'll run across a used one really cheap and dig into its guts to see if there is a way to improve its temp regulation :).
I guess you don't have a basement in your house .

Sorry, we're from California. What's a basement? :confused: haha

Just wanted to add, Home Depot has little room sized AC units for $99. I got one for my living room, where I keep my frogs, and it keeps it cool enough. If you had a small room you could close off, it would probably be the least expensive option.
Basements are like dungeons beneath the house, only... chameleon keepers use them for their obsession, and not for locking up unruly house guests. :D
I am trying to see if the frig thing will work. If not, i know there is some way i can get them to the right temps... Thanks for all of oyur help!!!!

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