Wildfire Smoke


Chameleon Enthusiast
Hi Folks! I'm here in Florida and we get brush fires from time to time, so the air is a bit smoky. I'm wondering if it would be safe to let my guys out on the lanai during these times? Today was beautiful, but I was nervous because I could smell the smoke and wondered a couple of things:

1. Would the smoke irritate their lungs?

2. Would the smoke make their flight or fight response go haywire?

3. Does it matter at all?

To be clear I have not taken them outside - figured I'd let the good people here give me their 2 cents on this subject. Maybe I'm overthinking things, but who amongst us here hasn't gone overboard for their chams? Thanks for any insights/opinions you can provide!
Unless the smoke is so thick it causes YOU problems I doubt it will affect them too much. Frequent misting might settle out any ash too.
This summer while recouping, my son decided to melt our oven. Needless to say, our house was overrun with smoke. I did move everyone outside overnight. But, they still got a good dose. For maybe two days, they just didn't seem 100%. No definitive something is wrong with this one or that one, but something. They all made it thru just fine. With such little lungs, I would hold off. If any small piece of ash or something (plastic) toxic that burns comes in contact with the lungs, could cause severe irritation. If it is anything like the Dismal Swamp fires we get here, I would not 100% go outside, but don't know your intensity. I myself from the experience, could not breathe right for almost a week.
I don't have an answer for you Michelle but I can say when we visited Madagascar they were burning the Forrest everywhere to plant rice and I could smell smoke about 80% of the time we were there. :eek:
Thanks everyone. I would not let my guys out on the lanai unless I was out there with them, so the smoke isn't as thick as I believe you all are thinking it is. We get wildfires 50 miles away, so it's on the breeze, but there's no ash or particles, just a light smell. I went running this morning in it and didn't have any troubles. And, because it's nature, and not plastics burning, I felt it was "safer" than say a house burning. I appreciate the feedback and will just go on the assumption that if I'm comfortable being out there then they will too. If anyone else has any thoughts/opinions I welcome them as well!
You could use an outdoor fan blowing away from them. Let it circulate, rather than stagnate. I am pro-active rather than reactive. My family hates my thinking, as I look for any possible negative angle of any and all occurences or happenings. Even opening a door, I am observant. As a single parent, I have lived by this: I will never be that person on the news, who knew to do something or something was off, and was lackidasical in their approach. Remember, children and animals can't always tell you something is wrong with them. You have to be vigilant in their protection. You may unnecessarily protect them 100 times, but get lazy on the 101st and then it happens. I am a little over protective to say the least, but that comes from having parents who only protected or cared for themselves. Remember, we have always had fun between exchanges and I wish nothing but the best for you and yours. Don't want you feeling unneeded guilt later. :)
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