Why is my Panther chameleon eating bark?


New Member
He loves to go outside on nice weather days. And some times when he is on this one tree he tries to bite and eat the bark. Im worried that this isn't healthy. has anyone seen this before?
IT does happen... which is the reason why people suggest against using substrate... as they do get curious and sometimes ingest the wood.. which can cause impaction among other things... ID say as long as he cant actually get a piece of the bark off and eat it... I dont see how it can be too detrimental?
well thank you.. i just have to watch him very closly when hes out side. but he loves it too much to stop..
another thing... when i do put him back in his cage he runs for the exit to get out.. and its almost always a struggle to get him back in... is this him being friendly, wanting freedom, or what? i know people say they shouldnt really be handled but my babycomes to me when i put my hand in the cage and then doesnt want to go back in.. i think he is bored with his home or something.
Be careful he doesn't swallow any bark. Chameleons can and have choked on pieces of bark!

Make sure all branches you put in the cage have been de-barked or has bark that does not come off easy.

I see younger chameleons biting branches more than adult chameleons like they are exploring and testing the enviroment.. a behavior they seem to outgrow.
yes he is probably just exploring.. he doesnt have any bark inside his cage. just drift wood that is smooth and not barky. its only when we take feild trips outside when he is exploring and hunting flies.. all of a sudden he will just start attacking loose bark. i will just have to find another plant option to put him on.. something without loose bark
I have the same type of Chameleon... and Ive just been told that I got really lucky with finding a friendly chameleon.

It seems you may have too...
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