Where Do You Get YOUR Crickets and Feeders


New Member
Just looking around to see where the cheapest place to buy bulk crickets shipped is. I breed roaches, stick bugs and have access to snails and slugs, but I don't want to breed crickets. They stink and really are a pain. 2-3 thousand at a time every 2 weeks is good for me.
Just looking around to see where the cheapest place to buy bulk crickets shipped is. I breed roaches, stick bugs and have access to snails and slugs, but I don't want to breed crickets. They stink and really are a pain. 2-3 thousand at a time every 2 weeks is good for me.

I get mine from www.nyworms.com
Try Google'ing (purchase crickets; buy crickets; crickets in bulk; cricket farms; live crickets; crickets for sale, etc etc etc)

I'm sure you knew that, but just in case you didn't. Good luck!

By the way TRA, the Eagles made the Giants look like a bunch of NYWORMS!!! HEHEHE
The cleaning often is what makes them a pain. I get mine from LLL Reptiles at the store itself and for 1000 any size, it is like $15. The only draw back to that is after 1000, it is still the same price per 1000. Still, it is a good deal. I just thought I would see what everyone else does. There is always hat one person who gets the unbelievable deals. Thanks for the replies evryone.
Wow that is a lot of crickets.
I buy mine at the local pet shop since I dont rely soley on crickets (only 100 a week or fewer) and have worked out a good deal with them.
I get my crickets at a rate of about 22 cents per dozen from the pet supply that my girlfriend works at. Is that a very good price? I buy about 16 dozen at a time. I guess that comes out to about $18.33 per thousand. =( Where is a better, quality place to order? I have heard of people getting around $10 per thousand.
Right now I am paying .10 per cricket if I buy 100 (they let me do half crickets, half supers) .12 per if less then 100.
I haven't ordered crickets online for awhile, but I am up to 3 veileds now (2 piggy females) and babies on the way.
LLL seems to have the best price.
I like that shipping is included.
Just want to make sure the quality is good .... but I'll find that out with my first order I guess.

I get my crickets at a rate of about 22 cents per dozen from the pet supply that my girlfriend works at. Is that a very good price? I buy about 16 dozen at a time. I guess that comes out to about $18.33 per thousand. =( Where is a better, quality place to order? I have heard of people getting around $10 per thousand.

Wow. Right now I am paying 10 cents a cricket. :(
It really just depends on how many crickets you order at a time. The more you get, the cheaper they will go...right now we buy from www.ebugco.com. We have also dealt with www.thecricketfactory.com and some others. Those are the cheapest we've found so far, but then again, we order about 22,000 crickets every other week :p So, I'm not sure what their normal prices per thousand are! Good luck :)
Cricketsdirect is local to SD. $10/thousand and shipping to L.A. was about $10-$15. So I would get 3000 for about $45.

It's all about finding the local supplier that will do 1000 for $10 and minamize shipping by being able to do ground.
It really just depends on how many crickets you order at a time. The more you get, the cheaper they will go...right now we buy from www.ebugco.com. We have also dealt with www.thecricketfactory.com and some others. Those are the cheapest we've found so far, but then again, we order about 22,000 crickets every other week :p So, I'm not sure what their normal prices per thousand are! Good luck :)

I used to pick mine up directly from www.thecricketfactory.com. I would always get way more than 1000 in the box. I dont know if its because they would pack a fresh box for me but I was always happy with them. I believe they sold all their stuff to Bassetts Crickets. They pick up direct from Bassett at a discounted price so they can still sell them to the public.
I work with local keepers to buy in bulk and get a pretty good deal... I suggest keepers invest in a good keeper and buy in bulk. I keep mine in a sterilite container that is large and has a fan pulling air through. I have very little die off.

Try calling Mulberry Farms... They are starting to do more with crickets.
LLL don't breed their own, they order them. So, when I order them, they really just place the order for me, too. As far as am I satisfied, yes, very much so. I don't have any complaints with the crickets I get from them. All of my Chams grow like weeds. I do, of coarse, gut load the crickets myself. No one should be weary of using LLL. If anything is ever wrong with your order, they fix it. (No, I don't work there or anything like that. I have just personally used them for a long time.)
I ordered some from premiumcrickets.com once, but they forgot to put the heat pack in with them and about 3/4 of them perished. They said they would add that amount to my next order for free, but then I'll have too many crickets. I think it was just a mistake though, since i have heard nothing but good about them here on the forums
Cricket pricing

I just went through the process of cricket pricing in December, by the quantity of 1,000, and found that LLL is the cheapest, because they include shipping in the $19.95 price. My local state cricket ranch price with shipping is $27.80. Can't speak to the LLL quality, or the more important isuue of dead on arrival shipments. If as their policy states "you have to be present to sign" or the live gaurantee does not apply, I will stick with my local supplier.;)

I just went through the process of cricket pricing in December, by the quantity of 1,000, and found that LLL is the cheapest, because they include shipping in the $19.95 price. My local state cricket ranch price with shipping is $27.80. Can't speak to the LLL quality, or the more important isuue of dead on arrival shipments. If as their policy states "you have to be present to sign" or the live gaurantee does not apply, I will stick with my local supplier.;)


Hmmm I am home all day so I think I may try and do this since I am always here to sign. I will see what I get and post it here. :)
Josh I use Mulberryfarms.com for crix just cause i can order other things from them with it and they have pretty good prices along with variety and I have put through several orders without any issues so far.
They are in Oceanside or fallbrook.
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