When to size up.


New Member
So right now i am using a 10 gallon tank with mesh wire top. (I know its not the best) So my chameleon is getting big. His body is about 4 inches long. I am really stressing about when to get him a new cage. Any advice?


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There are several things to consider including size. It would really help to fill out the form below to help identify all of the things you might need to budget for and what you already have that can be used again. Also check out gingero’s videos on YouTube at Neptune the chameleon. She has one specifically on cage size.
Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
  • Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
  • Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
  • Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
  • Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
  • Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
  • History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
Cage Info
  • Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
  • Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
  • Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
  • Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
  • Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
  • Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
  • Location - Where are you geographically located?
Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.


Please Note:
  1. The more details you provide the better and more accurate help you will receive.
  2. Photos can be very helpful.

And please make sure ASAP that your baby can’t burn itself under the basking bulb. If it’s too hot for your hand it’s too hot.
I would recommend getting one ASAP. Aquarium tanks are not recommended for chameleons in any way. Get one that would be big enough for him even when he gets to his adult size so you don't have to upgrade twice and spend more money. There's many things that need to be changed with his set up from what I can visually see in the pictures you added. I would definitely fill out that help form that was listed above. ((:)
So right now i am using a 10 gallon tank with mesh wire top. (I know its not the best) So my chameleon is getting big. His body is about 4 inches long. I am really stressing about when to get him a new cage. Any advice?
Hi. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but.... Please keep in mind I am not being mean. You need some help in setting up your chameleon’s enclosure and this is the place to get it. Most of us have started out wrong too and have been open to learning how to fix our errors.
What I see from your pics is a perfect recipe for disaster. Please answer the help questions and a member will guide you on corrections needed so that you and your chameleon have many happy years together.
Agree.. baby needs a different set up asap. Please answer the questions so we can help you. :)
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