What the heck is THIS??


I found this in my Panther's enclosure today!! I've never seen one of these before!! I'm guessing a beetle of some kind. I don't feel comfortable leaving it for my cham to eat!


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Do you feed super worms? Looks like a super worm Beatle

100% agree

I've had this happen with a few worms that got loose and burried in the soil of my plant. My veiled went nuts with excitement when he saw that thing going around the enclosure. It won't hurt them AS LONG as your Cham is big enough to eat it. Most beetles give of a defensive scent though and some won't eat them.
My boys LOVE super worms!! The worm turn into that icky thing??? I will see if either of my boys are hungry for him tomorrow morning. Thanks :)
Zophobas beetle, AKA super worm.

If you have a plant or substrate it likely burrowed into the dirt and pupated.

Mine did this inside of my ficuses dirt!

Completely safe.
Do you use them as a staple feeder?
(They are farily high in fat compared to other feeders)

I actually give each of them one everyday or every other day. Certainly not a main source of food - like an afternoon snack. I think that is why I am so surprised I got a beatle! He must have been in there a long time haha
Do you use them as a staple feeder?
(They are farily high in fat compared to other feeders)

I disagree with this statement; super worms are fine to give as daily feeders and are not too fatty. What you have to watch out for are wax worms and butter worms. These guys are high in fat and should only be used as infrequent treats.
One problem with Superworms is they have a small stomach so it makes it difficult to gutload them with much.
I disagree with this statement; super worms are fine to give as daily feeders and are not too fatty. What you have to watch out for are wax worms and butter worms. These guys are high in fat and should only be used as infrequent treats.

I disagree with superworms as a daily feeder. Maybe if you gave them 1 a day along with everything else, fine.

They are not as nutritious and have more fat than dubia/crickets and should not be used as a staple. Almost as much fat as a wax worm, and a lot of shell.
I disagree with this statement; super worms are fine to give as daily feeders and are not too fatty. What you have to watch out for are wax worms and butter worms. These guys are high in fat and should only be used as infrequent treats.

I agree with you, it kinda depends on the species too. I feed rex 5 a day for a week or 2 then wait 2 weeks and buy them again.
If you put a superworm, by itself in a little container with a lid, then put it in a drawer or something and just leave it be, it turns into this white alien looking thing. If you pick it up with tweezers or something it will do a wiggle, vibrate thing. Then if you continue to let it be it will turn into the beetle you found.
As far as butter worms they only have about 5% fat content. So what is too much?:confused:
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