What sex is my chameleon

I dont know too much about females but belly looks rather large to me, I'd say get a laybin in there asap.

There will be plenty of info on 'how to' online.

As you say that the cham has been resting its belly across vines whilst basking the last few days whereas normally it lies on it, looking like it had one 2 many christmas dinners even though not eatten too much as it seems to have gone off food. 2 superworms and 2 medium locust only today not fussed about wanting anything else even though it was eatting like a horse 2 days ago 10 locust and 2 superworm and looking like it still wanted more as it sat waiting where it comes to be hand fed
Beautiful cham btw!
Apparently i can use play sand in my lay bin (im gonna use a deep plant pot)....anyone in the uk know where i can get some good playsand for the job? I dont really trust soil to be free of fertiliser.
Apparently i can use play sand in my lay bin (im gonna use a deep plant pot)....anyone in the uk know where i can get some good playsand for the job? I dont really trust soil to be free of fertiliser.
I prefer the damp playsand as well. Any home improvement store will have it. What is the UK equivalent of The Home Depot?
Just done some googling and I have a few ideas where to get some tomorrow. It's a bit out of season here with it snowing outside and all but there are a few children's shops that I can try in the area where i live. With soil I have found chunks of plastic and all sorts in bags of topsoil and compost before so I just don't trust it if she will be digging in it.
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