What happens if LTs humidity levels are constantly drop?


New Member
In between misting, LTs humidity levels sometimes drop in between 25-30 percent. We're using a spray bottle right now and misting about 4x a day for 2-3 minutes
There are things you can do to help hold in the humidity such as wrapping 1 or more sides with plastic and adding live plants. From your avitar it looks like a jax, a misting system and/or cold air humidifier might be a good idea as they do like their humidity. It is good for things to dry up between mistings as well.
right now we do have live plants in his cage, one umbrella plant and one dracaena and also a coolmist humidifier- but it doesnt give off mist...it just runs in the room on a shelf next to his cage
right now we do have live plants in his cage, one umbrella plant and one dracaena and also a coolmist humidifier- but it doesnt give off mist...it just runs in the room on a shelf next to his cage

I've seen a lot of people tape a funnel over the output of the humidifer with a hose from funnel to cage. do u have a dripper going all day? Id get a pothos in there. They take over with cover and climbing possibilitys and really made the difference in humidity for me. It's a great plant and Will always be my first choice for my chams. Make sure its up high though it is a hanging plant. So hang it or creat a tall stand. :) that and wrapping one or two sides wiith plastic such as hoj said. Many use shower curtain garbage bags or any plastic sheets. I use peices of corrugated plastic. Which is a plastic cardboard pretty much and available In huge sheets for cheap from most sign shops.
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