What do chams think of clothes?


New Member
I always wonder what my chams think of my clothes. Since the communicate with color and pattern, do they get "put off" by my brightly striped shirt? I always wonder if they wonder what mood I am in. :)
Yes, they do! Some react more than others, but you'll notice that chameleons will react differently to one shirt than another. Mine HATE my white and navy striped shirts, they immediately lean back when I approach and darken up staring at my shirt. A bright red or solid black shirt sometimes produces a similar reaction but the high-contrast stripes are definitely offensive to mine!
Yes exactly! My old Jackson chameleon Rango hated red!! I found this out because I put a re jacket right next to his cage and for the whole day he was just staring at it almost completely black. I moved it and he went back to doing his normal things.
Well that proves what I thought. I have been going thru stripe phase with my fashion choices and my newest boy has been acting grumpier than usual.
Jane doesn't like my red or hot pink shirts, she won't come to me if I'm wearing them. She's okay with black, or green or blue tho...
Mylo is indifferent to clothes, but HATES glasses and HATES acrylic nails.

He falls out with me when I change my hair colour, like, he knows it's me so still comes to me, but he'll give me this look haha!

He also gets confused when my room is dark and his UVB light is on and glowing onto my face, again, he knows it's me, but he doesn't like the change.
He doesn't like change in general, when I got a new mattress and sat him on it he just sprawled his legs out, puffed and refused to move XD
I haven't yet had anything worth giggling at over cloths, but wow does my little guy HATES my silver tongs. I was picking a 1/2 chomped on feeder out of his schefflera this morning, and WAMMO, he flared up like a total bad boy. 2nd time he's seen the tongs, 2nd time he tried to scare them away. I guess he has no problem w/ blue jeans or t-shirts. tongs yes, big problems.
Chief hates my 'ralphie's-Christmas-pink-bunny-suit' pink fluffy robe. And at first he wasn't too crazy about my solid navy blue scrubs, but he seems fine with them now.
Chief hates my 'ralphie's-Christmas-pink-bunny-suit' pink fluffy robe. And at first he wasn't too crazy about my solid navy blue scrubs, but he seems fine with them now.

I so want the Ralphie bunny suit!

I think Spyder is warming up, but definitely does not like stripes.
Ralphie's Pink bunny suit! Hahaha.. that's so awesome. Most of my guys don't care for red. It's really the only real reaction I've gotten out of them with clothes. :)
None of my guyz really freak about what color I ware, but Smeagie wont come to me if I am wairing my black or red shirt, and will hesitate even eating something from my hand.

Squee will zero in on my face and get ready to zap if I have my glasses on :rolleyes:
my veiled tried to eat my shirt

I have a very grumpy female veiled, she never wants to come out and hisses if I put my hand in her cage. I was cup feeding her one day and she kept looking at me really funny, I could not figure out why she was looking at me like that, then she started coming up my arm I just stood still and she come all the way up my arm and started flicking her tongue out at my shirt. I was wearing my scrubs from work they had dogs on them and she thought the black noses were bugs. It was so funny, she tried to eat about 3 of them and when it didn't work she just turned around and went back in her cage. My roommate and I just laughed and laughed.
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