What a Scare!!


Chameleon Enthusiast
Long Story short, Sperm Plug!!

I came home from work Saturday 4-16-2022 and I Noticed something that looked like poop sticking out his butt. (Mugetsu, My Panther Chameleon)
It looked like poop and definitely did not look like a prolapse. It was hanging from hit butt, so I gave Him a couple Hornworms
in the hopes he would get the runs. I left him alone for the day, next morning it was still there. I decided to wait a day more to see if he would poop it out.
Next day comes and it is still there. Time for a vet call. I Made an appointment on Monday 4-18-2022 for 4-22-2022 (Was earliest available day)
This morning, It was gone. I found it on the bottom of his cage. Upon close examination I noticed poop-Sperm Plug- Poop.
Something to note is my chameleon never acted weird or lost weight during all this time. He kept being himself.

My question is if I should still go to the vet?
I will still monitor him closely.
They ain't cheap, and always try to milk me.
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