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This morning for breakfast I gave Tony an assortment of things. I put in two wax worms, a cricket, three Dubai roaches, and one island roach. For whatever reason he's been all about island roaches lately. So I'm watching him eat and he grabs a wax worm then he starts to go for a Dubai but stops because he notices the island roach. Instantly he goes into killer mode so I back away to give him some space. I start to feed the beardies and while doing so I hear this hissing sound (island roaches also his for anyone who didn't know) I look over and my boy not only caught him but caught him basically in some tricked out Batman position. Of course I'm as happy as a parent whose kid pees for the first time in the toilet. So I'm watching and this bug is really fighting to get away and grabs onto Tony and is trying to pull himself out of his mouth and I see something I've never seen before. Tony takes his hand and HOLDS the island roach still. It almost looked like he was pushing him down his throat. I wish I caught it on video. I was so impressed. The only time I ever see him use his hands is to hold a leaf still to drink some water Or the other day there was a cricket on a leaf and he got them both so he held the leaf to get the cricket off. Clearly I was fan girling super hard, but wanted to share. I'll try to get a video of it next time. What weird stuff does your chameleons do? I'd love some sharing.
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