Weirdest thing your chameleon does?


New Member
Camo likes to climb all over my face. No idea why, but he reaches his little arms out and isn't happy until I get right in his face and he's able to grab onto my nose. He proceeds to climb up to my forehead and usually stays there... My little weirdo.
Mine likes to explore under things, like the couch, the tv stand, behind stuff leaning against the wall.

More than once I've had to rescue him from a surprise nap because he went somewhere dark and got sleepy. After, he's always like "omg, the sun is still up, time to play!"

Camo likes to climb all over my face. No idea why, but he reaches his little arms out and isn't happy until I get right in his face and he's able to grab onto my nose. He proceeds to climb up to my forehead and usually stays there... My little weirdo.

My guy does that too. As he get's older, however, the nose grabbing will get less cute and more painful lol
Mine likes to explore under things, like the couch, the tv stand, behind stuff leaning against the wall.

More than once I've had to rescue him from a surprise nap because he went somewhere dark and got sleepy. After, he's always like "omg, the sun is still up, time to play!"


Awww that's pretty adorable. How old is he?
He's been up here for 20 minutes. I'm worried he's going to poop... He likes to do that on me.


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Haha what a little cutie :) my girl fires up at raspberries before she eats them :D not always but most of the time. She also likes to try and fit herself through this gap that is just too small. It's a bit where a bendy vine meets a stick, she's always tring to get through and doofs her casque then tries turning her head sideways so she will fit. She got through once and it was just like Winnie the Pooh with her little legs flailing lol!
Haha I totally can picture that! They are so silly sometimes.

Camo was "stuck" today when he was holding his back leg with his front one. For some reason he didn't understand how to let go of his own foot. *lol* I could see him trying to move it away but the other was holding on too tight. He wasn't happy and turned black. So I guess he fired up at himself!
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