weird question


I have 2 cats who never minded my cham, or at least didn't notice there was something in the cage until now. They don't bother the cham, just stare, however, I noticed the cham sees the male cat looking at her, and I'm pretty sure she's freaked out by it. The cage is in a corner of my living room, up high on a table. My question is this: is there some type of one way mirror film or something I can put over the cage so that the cham can't see the cats, but I can still see in the cage? She is pregnant and ready to drop any time, and I don't want her stressed. I thought about moving her, but pretty much anywhere I would move her, she will still see the cats, and vice versa. The rooms that I can shut doors on are all too small to move her cage to, and it's not fair to lock the cats up, as they don't mind her but they like to look. One way film would be great, I just don't know if there is such a thing, let alone where to find it and how to implement it. Anybody have any ideas?
You can put some coverage on the sides of the cage but I would think you want some parts open for the Cham. When the Cham is sleeping I hear you can put a cover over the cage. Mirror isnt the best idea because reflection could spook her too. Just try to keep the cats away some how, maybe another distraction in the room.
the only way she can see the cats is through the front of the cage, so top back and sides are open, but shaded by plants and the walls..maybe some window tint for the its not reflective and she can have her privacy..I did have a ton of foliage in her cage prior, but she hated it and went on a hunger strike until I thinned it out again :rolleyes:. I'm thinking window tint would also help me keep more humidity in there for her as well...any thoughts on this?
Home depot does sell window tinted film sorts like wat u put on car windows but for home use. I imagine you could some how tape or use plastic ties to afix it to the front or sides of the cage so that the cats can look into it but she cannot see out.
You can put a little curtain up on front of the enclosure and close them when the cham is asleep, open again in the morn when awake or when the lights come on!
I would use curtain, but I'm not home all the time to monitor when the cats look closely at the cage..that is a cute idea though, lol..with the window tint, I can tape it up there...I think that's what I'll do this evening. ;)
Maybe covering the bottom half of the front? and putting a partially visually obstructing (denser mesh? Some fake plants? Something) on the top half, so she can still see out, and you could still see her if you tried a little harder, but she wouldn't feel so exposed, maybe could move where she would feel like the cat couldn't see her, if she was sitting where she couldn't see the cat.
Just an idea.
yes, I have a schefflera, and a pothos, in addition to vines. She has plenty to hide in, yet she chooses to be visible. She is a weird one for sure. Every time I try to use more for her, she gets all fussy and unhappy. :rolleyes:
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