Water Feature


New Member
I noticed a comment on the forum about not having a water feature for pygmys. I know they water must be less than an inch deep as they can drowned very easy. I'm looking for more constructive comments with reasons on this subject.

I am planning on building a viv for a few pygmys and would like a water feature to help with humidity as it gets very dry here.
I believe your referring to my post, so I will go into more detail.

Waterfalls are not recommended for several reasons:

1. They are difficult to clean. Especially when they are integrated into the enclosure setting, they are almost impossible to fully clean.

2. They breed bacteria. Even with filters and the pump constantly on bacteria will breed and then your cham will be drinking it.

3. Feeders die in them. Doesn't take much to drown feeders, especially pinheads.

There are better and safer ways to raise humidity.
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