Vitamin A for chameleons?


New Member
Would someone please be able to give me advice on supplements for Panther chameleons. I heard vitamin A is good but not sure which brand or the dosage. Also any goods recs for a calcium brand? And dosage for that as well.
It's recommended hat you dust the insects with a phos free calcium powder lightly at all feedings but 2 a month. On those 2 feedings use a vitamin powder such as reptivite that has a prEformed source of vitamin A and D3 in it lightly on the insects.

In addition to this, make sure you gutload/feed your insects properly. This was explained in post #17 in this thread...
There are two forms of vitamin A ...prEformed and prOformed ...prOformed comes from carotene sources and cannot be overdosed because the body converts it as needed. However, it's not known how well or even if chameleons can convert it or at least convert it well we provide a some prEformed to make sure the chameleon gets what we hope is enough in addition to what it gets from the insect diet. PrEformed vitamin A (retinol) can build up in the system though and lead to health issues, so we are careful with it.
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