Venturing into Pygmys Next...


New Member
Once I move my 2 month old veiled into a larger enclosure out his glass enclosure, I plan to use it to hold 2-3 pygmys.

I have been reading articles and such, but I still have a few questions before I buy them, I would rather be prepared for everything than have a sick chameleon.

What are the best types of pygmys to get if I wanted to get 2-3 in my tank? I want to get 2 females and 1 male, or just 1 female possibly, how often do they mate? Can they both be in there at the same time?

My tank is 30HX24LX12W is that suitable for 3 pygmys? I believe it is ~37 gallons.

I dont exactly what the hydrotron (sp?) pebbles are for, it said drainage, but I dont get how it drains if I have a glass bottom? Does it just let the water drain there to evaporate or what? Is that 100% necessary to have?

What type of soil do I use for the substurate? According to the chameleon news site, you need it but I thought it was taboo in the chameleon community?

A Reptisun 5.0 is needed of course, right?

What about basking? Do they need a basking spot? My room is always ~65 at night and ~75 during the day, we dont use heat or anything cause its arizona! :

I read that Brevs are typically the best cause they are more active, is that right?

Anything else I should know?

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Once I move my 2 month old veiled into a larger enclosure out his glass enclosure, I plan to use it to hold 2-3 pygmys.

I have been reading articles and such, but I still have a few questions before I buy them, I would rather be prepared for everything than have a sick chameleon.

What are the best types of pygmys to get if I wanted to get 2-3 in my tank? I want to get 2 females and 1 male, or just 1 female possibly, how often do they mate? Can they both be in there at the same time?

My tank is 30HX24LX12W is that suitable for 3 pygmys? I believe it is ~37 gallons.

I dont exactly what the hydrotron (sp?) pebbles are for, it said drainage, but I dont get how it drains if I have a glass bottom? Does it just let the water drain there to evaporate or what? Is that 100% necessary to have?

What type of soil do I use for the substurate? According to the chameleon news site, you need it but I thought it was taboo in the chameleon community?

A Reptisun 5.0 is needed of course, right?

What about basking? Do they need a basking spot? My room is always ~65 at night and ~75 during the day, we dont use heat or anything cause its arizona! :D

Anything else I should know?


Drainage is 100% necessary.
Hydroton absorbs moisture ... broken terra cotta pot pieces work as well.
Pygmies are different ...they need substrate
no basking spot
Old 5.0 is fine ...or 2.0.

37 gallons would be plenty of space for 3 pygmys, for substrate i use the coconut fiber stuff and make sure to have lots of hiding spots for them, and theres no need for a basking spot, i keep my cage around 70-72 in the daytime but if you want a real care sheet go to flchams and they have a good one

Would 1 Male and 2 Females be alright? How often should I expect them to mate? Do they just lay the eggs in the substuate or will I need a pot in there with sand or something?

I cant fint and Cb pygmys, should I get a WC or keep looking?
im not sure on how often they mate because i have 2 males but i would think they would just lay right in the substrate but getting WC's or CB's is a personal preference, i would try to find some CB's but you can do whatever you want
Do I need to be worried about parasites with WC chams though? I am thinking I am going to get 1.2.

Are bearded pygmys a good breed? I found some on the kingsnake forum, a guy was offering 1.3 for 105 shipped.
I don't have any pygmy's, but done a little research. I understand that you can just leave the eggs where they are and they'll hatch. I think they have about 1-2 eggs at time. That's part of the reason it's hard to find CB.

If I do get some, they'll have to be CB. I know WC from a reputable breeder is probably safe, I just have some personal feelings about collecting animals in their natural habitat and shipping them to the other side of the world.

Also, try a search on the forum of pygmys. I know a while back there was a thread with extensive discussion on setting up their habitat.
Tbanks! I found a breeder on kingsnake that will sell me 1.2 for $75 shipped. Now I just need to wait til my veiled is a little b bigger to get these!
I found some WC Brevs from Reptile Depot for $16.99 each, that seems like an amazing price, but he has some cb brevs and spectrums, are those a better buy, or will I be okay with WC?

I am going to buy 1.1 or 1.2.
WC might be O.K. Fl Chams has them for $15 a piece. But he is getting some soon so maybe you can save a bit of money. If you find CB its your desision because you have to pay more, but you don't have to worry about parasites.
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