I'm AChameleonNamedFelt and have been a member of the forums for a couple months. I am apart of an AP Research class that focusses an entire academic year towards finding a research gap (a topic with no information) and then constructing a mini thesis statement with our own created studies in order to fill that gap. My subject is about the color changing capabilities of captive chameleons in response to owner created stimuli. If you could please fill out this quick survey it would be much appreciated! Thank you so much!

link :
Filled out the survey but it's very difficult to state a "base color" for panthers (I just put it's most dominant color) and even more difficult to state a new "displayed color." As you may know, chameleons don't just change from one color to another. Oftentimes colors just become more bright and vivid, or darker, or certain stripes will show up, etc. My Nosy Mitsio male, for example, still has the same base color when he "flares" but his colors become more intense - lots of red stripes/spots appear, his belly becomes much more vivid yellow, etc.
Did the survey ?.

She does change color, but only in response to the water bottle, before she drinks from it... That wasn't an option to answer, but wanted to let you know ☺
I really appreciate your contribution. Some of the wording is vague so that my grader will understand the topic of my paper more easily. I apologize for the confusion.
IMHO your form is asolutely erroneous and yiu can not take anybserious data outnofnit because you evidentky ignore the biology of chamelekns

how can be a color described in one expression when the oattern consists of about 5-7?

the color responses are different in different situations and complex formukas are introduced and nit this nonsense what you try

my strong recommendation is: stop doing thisC itnis wastenof time of yihrs and of all leople that take part in it. You need to REDO IT first, si that it makes sense!

otherwise, you will then di a precise analysis of a total BS (sorry, no offense)

If yiu wsnt, I can help you witb it
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