Veiled eggs MOLD


New Member
I have about 30 veiled eggs in incubation...About 10 of them are getting mold on them...I was wondering if anyone could help..

I have them in a tupperware container with hatch-rite..I also have plastic wrap on top of container with holes in it..The hatch-rite was moist when I put them I need to spray them?

The incubator is set at 80 deg. I put a cup of water in the incubator...maybe that is the problem?:(

Can someone help before I lose more

I have not raised veileds but it is my understanding that incubation is unnecessary.
I think you have the temp too high.
Most people I know of who have had success have simply placed the container in a cool (72 or so degrees) drawer or closet.
I'm sure others will comment and I may be off-base but I think I'm right.

They will spoil if the temps. are too high. I have hatched 6 clutches and one incubating now. I keep them in my closet with the temps. 72 to 78. The lower end seems better. Do not wet the eggs that will cause them to mildew also. When the substrate needs to be moistened I use an eye dropper and go in between the eggs. They will also mildew if they are not fertile almost immediately.
Temps are for sure too high, Don't throw any out though. Try athlete's foot powder on the mold. Many moldy eggs have produced very healthy little monsters.
mold be gone

I will lower the temp. and see if that helps..

I have them in a hova-bator should I put it on a timer to shut off at night and come on during the day at about 75 deg?
You really do not need an incubator. Room temp. in your closet they will do nicely. Go to it has some useful information on taking care of your eggs and a nursery section after they are hatched.
If you do not have a lid for the container I would keep it covered up. I use a shoesize rubbermaid container and I put 2 pinholes in it. I used perlite and vermiculite mix equal portions and moisten the water only until it clumps together. Once a week I would take the lid off and move it over the container so they get a little air.
A few comments. A temperature of 80 degrees is a few degrees higher than what is usually recommended, but did not cause the mold. Contamination of your incubation medium by varying organic matters could cause the mold, and although that is not urually the case, the use of an athlete's foot powder can help control such. More often than not, its that the eggs were not viable or lost viability. I will have to disagree with this statement made by another:

They will also mildew if they are not fertile almost immediately.

Sometimes yes. Just as often no. I have often seen infertile eggs appear viable for months before the appearance of them being no good. I have cut open many infertile eggs that had incubated for five months or more with no outward appearance that they were not good.

As to moisture ratios in your medium. It will vary from medium to medium, to include the use of different grades of vermiculite having varying optimum ratios. Too much or too little moisture can cause otherwise good eggs to go bad, and then the appearance of mold on a now dead egg if moisture is present. We use course grade vermiculite at a ratio of 0.8-1.0 parts water to 1.0 part vermiculite by mass. By volume its approximately 1.0 parts water to 9.0 parts coarse vermiculite. The larger the quantity of vermiculite (ie the larger the incubation container) the more stable the moisture ratio will remain throughout the incubation period. It is our opinion that all eggs should be 100% buried in the medium, and as such, "spraying the eggs" should not be an option. Besides the site(s) mentioned, we cover some parameters in our website,, as well.
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