Veiled chameleon not eating

Princess Ivy

New Member
I am taking care of a 8 month old veiled chameleon while her owner is out of the country.
She did not eat for 10 days and happened to have unfertilized eggs she could not lay because of MBD. She had surgery and 20 eggs were removed.
She is still not eating though, the surgery was 2 weeks ago. The vet told me to feed her with a syringe , a mixture of insect powder and calcium. I feed her 2 or 3 times a day.
She is not active. she sleeps most of the time. She does not eat crickets, worms or baby cockroaches.
Her cage, temperature, settings are all good. I water spray couple times a day. I also take her outside, shade and sun twice a day for 10 minutes or more.
Anyone had the same experience ?
Thanks for your advices.
Maybe try something very enticing, like a basic little wriggly hornworm. They are mostly water, so they won't be too hard on their digestion. Make sure if you do go this route to feed her small ones or ones with the mandibles cut off (you can just use nail clippers or something), because you wouldn't want to give her a reason to dislike or be scared of eating her feeders.
awe im sorry, I know it is have a huge problem caring for someone else's pet an how stressful it is when something goes wrong. hope the issue resolves itself soon. good luck
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