Update on the chams


New Member
So I figured I better post some pics of the babies so everyone can see how they are coming along. Tholus who is one of Kent's little ones has been showing amazing colors. The pics do not do him justice and they definately don't show the full range of colors he has but its a start. Kent you should be proud he is sweet and beautiful.





Valha who we got from Nick doesn't like her pic taken but it does show how well she is growing. She just layed 27 eggs about two weeks ago and she did great. She has gone from peach to a white and light blue color when she isn't mad. Her temperment has also mellowed.




Phobos who we got from Brad is growing very well. The leg isn't giving him much problem but we will add some saftey features to his adult cage just in case. Vet thinks its best to leave it alone since he does so well. He has quite the attitude for such a little man.





Then theres Stupid my first rescue, hes always handsome.


Last our little Tiss who seems to be our problem child. She filled up with eggs and refused to lay even after two shots. We are assuming she is reabsorbing them as its been a couple of months. She eats good and is strong. She also has a grumpy attitude as you can tell.

They all look great! Kent's little Panther you have there is going to be quite the stunner and your female Veiled has male-like barring in that one pic.
They do, indeed, look great. Tholus! Wow! He's definitely got more of a color palette than the two brothers I still have. They're JUST blue and green usually. I really like that second photo. Thank you for doing such a great job with him! :D
Its a term of endearment. He was a very difficult baby which is how he got the name. He had to be hand feed and watered for the first 7 months.
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