Unidentified Plant???


New Member
Hi guys my girlfriend just picked this plant up from a local reptile shop and she wanted to shove it into our chameleons cage. I was wondering if any of you are familiar with this plant and if you could tell me the name of it and if it's ok to put into our little buddys cage

Picture of the plant

This is some kind of "bromelia" i think. Personally i wont use it in a chameleon cage, unless its a pygmy. Iused to see similar plants in dartfrog enclosures, or at least something like this.
Maybe someone know the axact spec of this plant.
Yea thats a bromeliad. I haven't used one in a chameleon enclosure. I've only used them with my dart frogs.
Thank you guys for the information and now time to talk my girlfriend into putting this plant on the window sill

Yup, its a bromeliad. Its a _Vriesea_, probably the hybrid named 'Miranda', or maybe 'Charlotte' or a similar one. Safe, but they don't take traffic very well.
Yup it's definatley bromeliad vriesea Charlotte, thanks so much I am going to see how big it grows and possibly put it at the bottom of azazel's cage for decor
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