Turtle turtle :)


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Well, I will be getting this little guy next week. He is the first one to hatch out of his clutch and he was born about 3-4 weeks ago. It is a hatchling Black Knobbed Sawback Map Turtle. My all time favorite turtle! I absolutely love this species and its an amazing turtle to have. :) He/she won't be lonely at my house! He will be housed with my Pearl River Map Turtle that I got in March of last year. It was actually supposed to be a Black Knobbed Sawback Map Turtle, but they sent me the Pearl instead. Since then I have been looking for hatchling Black Knobbed Sawback Map Turtles! So this is what he looks like. I need name suggestions! Zac
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I know right! I am considering the name to be Burt, but we are getting a new kitten in a few weeks so we might name the cat Burt.. lol
he looks like a ninja star from the 1st pic. Id have to name him after a ninja turtle :D

I was actually going to do that with my other turtles, but I didn't. This species stays fairly small unlike the Red Eared Sliders which get to be huge, they stay around 3.5-4 inches if a male and 6-8 if a female.
If you ever get some, go to fauna. they have amazing prices on turtles from local breeders.. If anyone tries to get one from turtlesale/turtleshack, they aren't the best from other peoples opinion, but then again I have ordered from them and got the wrong turtle (Pearl River Map Turtle) which was $150 less than what I paid for the Black Knob. :D
I've had a sulcata for over a year now. They are easily maintained, but a lot end up neglected. Just make sure you really them.
I'm getting a kitten soon too c: were naming him sprite :D you should name your little guy cookie c:

Maybeeee :) Oh yeah, our kitten is pure white and its albino too! Never had an albino kitteh :D

SO jealous! I love this species! I don't keep water turtles anymore due to too many maintenance requirements and not enough time but if I did it would be sawbacks. :D

Ha, I am going to Petsmart/Petco this weekend to get a new dock and some water plants, substrate, and some live feeder fish/snails and live plants for the tank. I hate to clean it out. I haven't had substrate in my tank for almost 8 months now, because its so hard to get it all clean.. I will have two sawbacks as of next week!
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Aww its so cute. I've never seen that kind of turtle before.

Oh yes it is! :) Tonight I will try and attach a picture of my Pearl River Map Turtle and all the colour she has! I only see Red Eared Sliders in petshops. I know they have Map, Musk, Painteds, and occasionally Sliders in and around the Mississippi, my plan is to go turtle hunting (catch and release) this summer when I visit family in Hudson, WI. :)
Call him Ashleigh after me seeing as im your fave person on here. LMAO teasing, he's really cute. Your making me like turtles more and more. My little niece has 1 called Ellie, don't know what kind it is as i know nothing about them but Ellie is cool! :D
Call him Ashleigh after me seeing as im your fave person on here. LMAO teasing, he's really cute. Your making me like turtles more and more. My little niece has 1 called Ellie, don't know what kind it is as i know nothing about them but Ellie is cool! :D

If its a girl! ;) lol. You should post pictures! I might be able to identify it! :D
Well Ashleigh is a unisex name so no getting out of it now Zac. For a girl Ashleigh and for a boy Ashley. :p Lmao i'll see my brother for some pics of Ellie her first turtle was called Burt but he died. :) You must have loads of pets now, between me and you we have a zoo. lol
Well Ashleigh is a unisex name so no getting out of it now Zac. For a girl Ashleigh and for a boy Ashley. :p Lmao i'll see my brother for some pics of Ellie her first turtle was called Burt but he died. :) You must have loads of pets now, between me and you we have a zoo. lol

I just had to re-home my three slider turtles today.. toughest thing ever. I will miss them. :(.
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